
Hi I’m Nan. I live in the USA. I started getting into magick and the occult at around 18. I don’t have a magical system that I follow. I am still trying to figure out what I like.

Honestly, I decided to make an account here because I hang out on this site a lot and thought “Might as well”.

Thank you for letting me join your community.


Welcome to the forum.

What, exactly, do you practice?

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Hello nan, how long have you practiced?

Where are you from?

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I basically practice what I want if that make sense. I do candle magick, sigils, and have done a couple of petitions. Nothing special.

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I’m almost 21 so about 3 years now.

When you say “sigils”, are you referring to the Spare method where you turn a statement of intent into a glyph, or spirit seals?

Welcome to the forum.

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Hi Nan, welcome to our neck of the woods. :wave:t4::slightly_smiling_face:

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When I make my own, I use a statement of intent. When I have evoked certain spirits, I used their sigils.

Sorry I meant petitions. (I am reading a thread on evocation right now) When I petition a spirit, I will just use an already made sigil.

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