Interrogating Angels, Jesus, Saints, Apostles, and the GOD (all-father, spark, source, OMNI, etc)

No one did. That was just a story the Church came up with.

Nobody asks to be born. I don’t think even spirits ask to be born and they’re not even part of the physical realm.

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Really? I keep hearing and reading of higher self setting a plan for the earth form disconnected spirit, the guff and the angel that plans your life then Taos you to forget, and this thing about spirit families that also help plan your life. And there’s other examples like reincarnation, etc.

And we didn’t ask to be born? Again I get conflicting messages here of what is and isn’t. Perhaps that’s why listening or reading anything from anyone or anything in the regards of spirituality, death, the veil is folly and deception if not just outright lies to try to control any one individual.

I really am doubting many experiences of anyone and it appears to be self delusion of the highest form.

I tried to find answers but there are none as no one has any or the standing proof to back it up. All tomes in the regard of everbeings and across the veil are LIES.

It’s the entire reason for interrogation of spirits, but they’ll lie and deceive anyways. It’s the nature of them all. Angel, demon, gods, elemrntals, ancestors, etc. Deception on the highest form. I can only hope to attack any when and IF I ever cross the veil of death. There are no allies there just enemies from all sides. And the only real tactic they have besides deception is mass overpowering.

Ah well. I think I’m done with all of this. I’ll encounter the cowardly everbeings or I won’t. And annihilation or all or self is a WIN in my “book.” For erasure and removal and non-existence is a paradox. Failing that it’s everwar and eternal conflict with all for they always want you to rest/accept… and mostly SURRENDER. Even the cthonic wants you to surrender and sacrifice.

Pity… no answers here like anywhere. And I had high hopes.


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Why is this guy’s account blocked?

He requested it. Not sure why. @Lady_Eva may know more, but I don’t know if she’s at liberty to say.

Thank you for replying back, do you know how to DM people privately here?

iirc I think you need to post a certain number of times before you’re able to DM.

Ooh, that’s will be a pain in the *ss.

Just that I sense something is wrong with me, then again I needed to talk to someone working with any angelic being as I am not sure about the Goetia beings. It will be a joy if you can point me in the right direction

Thank you

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I would start with the search function. There are a number of topics concerning angels. Maybe there are questions there that have already been answered.

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I would like to say thank you for the like on the reply. Maybe I will now get to dm privately.

Let say I need a personal tutor not the ones on the search

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In order to unlock the ability to PM, you have to reach a certain level of activity by participating in the community. You have not been active enough yet, and when you get there, the system will unlock the ability to PM automayically. You will know it when your profile says “member” instead of “basic.”

@DarkestKnight. Thank you so much for the replies, I think I have been unlocked.

You are still showing as basic, so I don’t think you have been unlocked. Can you send a message?

Probably someone else sent a PM.

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That’s a very strong statement. Reconsider that my friend.