Intention Setting with Current Incubus

Just introducing myself, 37 years old, haven’t really ever been into magic until I have recently experienced what I believe to be an incubus. It’s weird to admit it has been extremely pleasurable and has increased my curiosity. So here I am!

I have been visited by the same incubus about 4 times in the last 2 months. I have found myself looking forward to these encounters… I have read a ton of stuff about summoning an incubus, in order to receive the exact type of relationship I want, my question is, if I already have the same entity visiting me, and I don’t necessarily want to not have him visit, but maybe just change up the content of our interactions, is this something I can do? During our interactions we don’t speak… but maybe there is some sort of meditation or intention speaking ritual I can do? Thanks!!

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"Please properly introduce yourself. This post does not meet the requirement of a proper introduction as you have told us nothing about yourself or your experience in magick.

How old are you?

What do you practice?

How long have you practiced?

If you are a beginner, what areas of magick are you interested in learning.

Failure to do a proper introduction will result in the removal of your posts until the rule is respected."

so please go make another thread in the a new magician category.

I’m so sorry I did that in a separate post!

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