Inner critic/ inner voice

Bro I remember looking in one street to the shop window they had a beautiful expensive watches there and suddenly the the thought or voice came and said YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THIS

What the fuck was that? My subconscious or EGO? Maybe EGO takes this belief from my subconscious? I’ve read that Ego is the face of subconscious.

That is more likely your subconscious programming. When society consistently tells you can’t have something, or you’re not worthy, then that will eventually sink in and your subconscious will take up that call and start repeating it.


@DarkestKnight Now how to recognize that this thought came from Ego or from subconscious
I am still little lost in this mind thing…
EGO is loud but subconscious is quiet? Subconscious comunicate to us through feelings emotions right?

Your subconscious can communicate in thoughts and words. It is not limited only to emotions.

I just told you. The thought came from the subconscious. It is the internal programming you are running. I don’t understand why you are confused over the ego and subconscious. The ego is made up of the programming in the subconscious.

Think of it this way. The subconscious contains the internal programming that defines your life, like the language that defines the parameters for a computer. The ego is what out-pictures that programming, like the software on your computer that turns the programming language into an image on your screen.

When you change the programming in the subconscious, you change the picture the ego displays.


Yes I have already understood that… EGO does not actually exist at all and reflects what the subconscious believes
in that case I’m horrified … I always have big negative and disgusting thoughts in my head Now what to do with this :thinking::astonished:

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I know. I feels hopeless. And hardly anyone can give a practical technique how to eliminate all this garbage. In “Transurfing reality” by Zeland , I found practical exercise that called "reality inversion ", here it is:
Every time you think this negative pattern, and it gets so intense that you come to realization how shitty it is and I am stuck… (now , here you apply this exercise ) - you flip from admitting something negative happening to you/your mind — to celebrating something positive happening. I mean its sounds crazy , even insane, but (… what do you have to loose?),
So it’s like this:
oh, i’m kind of glad this ("shitty thing or shitty thought happening to me and i dont know why it happens but I am quite sure this happens for my benefit. And literally, anchor it on material plane -“celebrate”: clap your hands,rub your hands, jump, whatever. Be “insane” for the rest of population, who dont have a clue, but you know inside yourself what you are doing and why.
You “know” that universe/mirror takes care of you(by your right of birth&life), and what happening IS(!!) beneficial to you in a long run, no matter how bad it looks/feels right now.
Zeland names this reality/universe -a double mirror. So he says that by performing this trick you trick the reality to move you to more positive life line in infinite space of variations. Because mirror always reflects whats sent there.
He says that every time when we react(anyhow), we are moving a certain way at the fork of reality, and depending of the attitude we live/express, we move either to more positive line, where life is easier and more plenty, or to more negative line , where life is harder and such.
Negative thinking is a bad habit only, often “inherited” from parents, (like in my case for example). Now, can you imagine, how far it possible to wander away from your most “luckiest” life lines, going from negative life line to even more negative life line.
But this pattern can be broken with this exercise. Eventually you train yourself and get a skill to automatically express positive thinking, therefore moving to your “happier” life lines in the space of variations automatically.
Yes, I know, it sounds insane, but it kind of works for me personally, of course i am still in the process too… so wish you good luck with this… get his book, he explains better. English isnt my first language.

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Reality Transurfing is ok – it’s like a modernised, overbloated take on Neville Goddard/Joseph Murphy, but it does have some good pointers in it.

DK put it best:

Yes, generally that critical inner voice is the ego, and it tries to stop us from challenging our subconscious ingrained beliefs at all costs, even if it means disparaging us.

You mentioned you’re using EFT, which is good; there are a couple other things which might help you as well. Once would be reframing things, NLP style; another would be mindfulness meditation.

The good thing is that you’re aware of your inner critic, which means you don’t need to mindlessly listen to it. In fact you can also find a way to turn it in your favour, and have it whisper nice things to you. Even if it’s just being consciously aware of the bad things it says to you, and immediately flipping them on their head and replacing with good thoughts.


i do that too hun its just fears trying to control you because of old programming