Increasing fame?

I have had good results doing a combination of planetary magic (Sun - Venus - Mercury). They are energies that work well for my activities, which have to do with growing numbers, advertising, etc.


Do you mind sharing what exactly it is you did? Olympian spirits? Or planetary geniuses? Thank you :pray:

Do you recommend this book by Adam blackthorn? I own another book by Jareth Tempest. I had one mini success with it but that was it :frowning:
How do you find this book by Blackthorn different than the other omnipotence workings?
Thank you in advance :pray:

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Hello, planetary requests with Picatrix (planetary geniuses) and a good astrological choice, I have also worked for some months on planetary devotion. I received some extra advertising campaigns that were consolidated, others arrived, but they have not been authorized. (This is doing work with Sun - Jupiter)

In this month of September there will be doors of choice for Venus and Mercury.

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hi @pinksugar
nice to hear from you ā€¦ it is interesting what i am currently doing. after a lot of deliberation i have been concentrating on genius spirits, especially after reading multiple reports in this forum and esp the one who has worked a lot is keteriya, an esteemed member of the forum, but unfortunately she has, i assume taken a break from the forum . and what i have been doing is doing a mix of the sigils and rituals. so basically i think tristan whitespire techinique is more methodical . so i have started to use the sigil as mentioned in the blackthorne book and keep it with me when i do the ritual as per the tristan technique. incidentally i added the alternate universal seal as written by one of the members. so i have done some workings in this way. results have come, slow and easy in this technique. so to be specific about the other rituals in the adam book, apart from the genius spirit sectrion is something i will eventually explore, but overall the feel, the technique, though simple is pretty gratifying irrespective of the result,
the difference i felt with the the other omnipotence workings was the ease of the technique.
So overall i am using this book from the genius spirits point of reference as of now, i really want to work with most of them as i have seen multiple of them speaking of results with these spirits.and safe most of all. i find the magus lyon 33 day practice really effective (and this is again sth with genius spirits)
Lots of us in the previous MFWB group did workings with the jareth tempest book as part of the group ritual and i think although everyone hasnt reported the successes of the rituals , have had some results with the workings in the book .

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Hi dear @lepus
Thank you so much for getting back!
As an astrologer I love that. I do work with Venus energy but a little Mercury in there wouldnā€™t hurt. I know about the Picatrix and just a few days ago somebody mentioned itā€¦ a sign for sure. I will look it up and try it out
Thank you so much :pray:šŸ©µ

Hi dear @ Krish!

Thank you so much for answering :pray:
I am very familiar with Elubatel, I worked with that spirit back in 2015 for the first time.
So many different results! But what I can say, it may take time with elubatel.
Called him in earlier this year with some others omnipotence angels. The result: I moved away from the city to the countryside and focusing on my art. Seems they wanted me to focus more.
I will get that book then.

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Christopher Warnockā€™s works are good and more friendly than the Picatrix itself. Check out his website at renaissanceastrology or look for some of his books on Amazon. Itā€™s more focused on talismans, but works for invocation and making requests.


Oh I love this!!! Not just for magick but the sake of astrology as well. I knew about that website and you ignited that idea again!!!
Thanks so much for reminding me :smiling_face:
I will update (after this new moon :new_moon: is gone lol)

One last question, is ā€œ Secrets of Planetary Magic 2nd Editionā€ the book you referring to?
Thank you in advance

Yes, thatā€™s the simplified version. You can also check out Hellenism (ideas for the devotional part) and Planetary Magic In Reddit.

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Thank you!!!:smiling_face::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles: