
In one of his videos, E.A. stated that evocation is very easy. You just need incense, the operator and (I think) candles. He said that incantations are not needed; those just help people get into the theta gamma sinc.

However, he does give three different incantations in one of his videos.

Am I missing something? How do we know when a certain entity requires a certain incantation?

When you don’t know, you have to test out different things to find what works for you. Everyone does it differently and not everything works the same for everyone. However EA recommends using chants because yes it is one very easily usable method for reaching the TGS.

You will know once you find something that works. It’s a good bet to try what EA recommends since so many people have had success with his techniques. I have used some of his methods and they have worked for me. Again though, the only way to see the benefit of this or anything else is to experiment and I urge strongly to keep a record of what you try, so you can approach it scientifically, and get verifiable improvements rather than random results.

[quote=“jboy, post:1, topic:6528”]In one of his videos, E.A. stated that evocation is very easy. You just need incense, the operator and (I think) candles. He said that incantations are not needed; those just help people get into the theta gamma sinc.

However, he does give three different incantations in one of his videos.

Am I missing something? How do we know when a certain entity requires a certain incantation?[/quote]

If you mean what E.A. posted in this newsletter, they’re for different purposes:

#1. To Initiate or Enforce Spiritual Pacts (Tacit or expressed pacts)

#2. Summoning of All Magickal Powers

#3. To Rouse Vengeful Destruction

#4. To Summon Forth

IMO stick with this one (#2) for now:

“Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu

Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu

Vaskalla itz rachu kantantu velchatza”

Or just summon them by name and intention, calling “Come N.” into whatever evocation base or other method you want to use.

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Thanks. I will try it tonight.