In defense Of Lilith

Exactly, while egregores can be useful. Many are dead set on not making sure. Sadly Lilith isn’t the only God or Goddess that this ends up happening to. It happens with Lucifer, Loki, Thoth, and so forth. I honestly feel bad for them, so much of their development and other accomplishments overlooked and pushed on other beings or egregores due to inexperienced people.


Ahh yeah, I seen the same post and thought the same thing, I’ve never seen her as that, she in fact came to me during a session with King Paimon and I’ve been with her since but I’ve never even used her for sexual desires.


honestly i came accross it right after calling her, and it was literally JUST posted, i feel she wanted me to explain to people imo

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She helped me repair some broken pieces of myself and resolidify them back into place. I am looking forward with working with her more when I reach Gamaliel to learn more from her. She also was a big help with the Four Queens ritual I did a couple weeks ago


I’ve only ever etheric projected to her to rekindle a past friendship with her, that’s about it.

Hello StrengthenedWarrior,
I am sorry I pissed you off, as I wrote in my post it was not my intention to insult anyone.
Here is the link for anyone who would like to see the post I made by them selves that this OP is referring to:

https:// forum.becomealivinggod .com/t/lilith-sex-goddess-or-lethal-parasite-the-warning-is-out/81926

I am the kind of person interested in sublimating sexual energy for different reasons and I enjoy going for long periods of time without sexual stimulation, which gives me more focus, energy, clarity and other mystical things, which I value over quick stimulation.

This is why I can tell you that I have never treated Lilith like a sex-doll. I went into this with a lot of respect and with a clear intention to learn from a being, which I thought was a deity.

Never the less even though I was not even interested in intense physical stimulation this being forced that upon me and fed and grew bigger every time I would be sexually stimulated. It would be impossible to not describe this being as parasitical.

But hey, maybe we are not talking about the same being, I don’t know. But my experience along with sources confirming my conclusions actually made it seem like a duty to warn people, when this truly can get dangerous. That is all.

But it is interesting to hear other people’s experiences to learn more, so thanks for sharing this.

Best wishes and peace


Mind you, everyone, this was partly me being hungry speaking and a huge part her being angry

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I was a bit put off by it as well. Warning about the possibilities of parasites yes but to write a single entity off as a parasite is a bit much. That being said Lilith doesn’t come off to me as overtly sexual. She is about independence, taking risks, and embracing your individuality. She is strong, loving, vengeful, and stubborn. She doesn’t want you to NEED anyone else yet she wants you to stand by those who stand by you. I could go on but I think I have rambled enough. If this Lilith was a parasite she has given more than she has taken.


I don’t think they were writing her off as one, but there are fakes of Lilith that many fall for.


There’s no guarantee this was even Lilith, but i do believe the op pissed her off and/or somehow put energies in motion he wasnt prepared for

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I’m sorry then I must have misunderstood. I suppose I should count myself lucky I have yet to, knowingly, deal with a parasitic entity.


Yes, but don’t even dwell on those thoughts, dwell on the positive

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Yes, that’s your point of view, your experience, your vision of things, not everyone’s.
Even if the person invoked Lilith in the wrong way, if the treatment he received from the Goddess is bad, well that person isn’t going to like Lilith, we agree? It’s exactly the same with human beings; the proof is, you must already start not liking me :thinking:
Most of the people who invoke her are beginners, yes, you were one of this beginners in the past, and like everyone else, this fella made mistakes and I think that as a respectable and intelligent goddess, she forgives those who begin, even if it may frustrate her. It’s human nature to learn from these mistakes and Lilith knows it.
Most people who come to invoke Lilith come to see her because they have heard succubi, and succubi are what in the collective consciousness?
Here, the only thing I see is someone trying to defend a divinity who has not asked for it and who can defend herself. Yell and grumble just because someone has said something different from what you have experienced. In other words, you’re just angry because your opinion isn’t the same, you’re not trying to defend Lilith, but your ego.


Having read through a bit of the more sexual themed topics here and modifying Succupedia’s methodology for a Succubus/Incubus partner into a petition to Goddess of Love Freya for a Valkyrie to distract me from my love woes until I find my other, I find this might be a conflict between two aspects of one entity.

As an example, there is a topic on here that begins with Belial “answering” a (at the time, now perhaps not) gay man’s request to send him a lover. Belial messes with him to prove a point about his “self” and sends transsexuals with his preferred personality and opposed appearance to court him.

I find it possible that Lilith may have been doing something similar. Sex and our concepts of it is a very easy way spirits can fuck with us to get us to think about something we haven’t previously.

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I say this with constructive intent, that you might want to ask for a lustful spirit, not an actual valkyrie:

In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (/vælˈkɪəri, -ˈkaɪri, vɑːl-, ˈvælkəri/;[1] from Old Norse valkyrja “chooser of the slain”) is one of a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live. Selecting among half of those who die in battle (the other half go to the goddess Freyja’s afterlife field Fólkvangr), the valkyries take their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin.
Source: Valkyrie - Wikipedia


Not directed to anyone specific, I promise LOL just an observation.

If parasites come in then you’re performance is lacking. Either you have not taken the proper precautions or you have limited understanding in what your doing.
I always hear parasites come in from people who do this for the first time or from armchair sorcerers for the most part and it’s crazy that you put yourself in that position. Learn to meditate and study a lot, I mean a lot. You can not talk to your friends on the phone with only half their numbers.


I agree wholeheartedly, but perhaps you should say this to the OP

Not really, nothing with Ego, but believe whatever you want

LOL It really was not directed to anyone. It’s just an observation from being on this forum for a while now. The pattern is quite consistent :slight_smile:


yes because beginners never take the neccessary precautions, like learning how to drive first time in a lambo, :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: