The Fate Of All Fools

You are most welcome. I am really pleased that she’s able to help so many people, I was worried about sharing and that no one would have interest in her.

She seems to like blue and purple colors, though I’ve seen other colors reported so far, so it may also be slightly what the summoner expects or desires as far as color goes.

She seems to enjoy her job too, which I think is definitely a positive thing. She also seems to be able to answer questions, though it gets sketchy when asking about things like numbers and timelines, but I think she should be able to help you identify the cause of your issues, so that you can take the right measures.


Update: I’m feeling more uplifted and determined now.

Asked Luna to remove my sads, and I went and traded a reading with someone on another site. I am deeply awed by and respectful of tarot divination, but also I’ll be damned if I take anything lying down. Fate is not set in stone, or what’s the point of magic?


Thursday, October 29th

PARTYNEXTDOOR – Kehlani’s Freestyle

Initial success manifesting material results with affirmations.

What’d I do differently?

  1. Actually stuck with the same affirmation for days on end. Whenever I was idle, when I was falling asleep, when I was performing chores, when I woke up, when I had a few minutes spare that I’d normally spend looking at my phone.
  2. Affirmations were results-focused, i.e. focused on an objective, material measure of success, not a subjective feeling.
  3. Decided on an affirmation that felt natural, i.e., it sounds like something I would say aloud if my best friend asked me about my situation – in my words, my dialect, my natural rhythms of speech.
  4. Appended “…this week” to my affirmations.
  5. Looping said affirmation would effortlessly conjure a mental image and that would put a smile on my face.

Started on Monday or Tuesday (maybe Tuesday). I will stick with this one and see where it gets me this time next week.

Blue moon full moon Halloween this weekend. I still have nothing planned.

Last night Wed 28/10 – Unfreezing ritual, part one.

Tonight – Unfreezing ritual, part two.

Who did you love that I gotta shake hands with?
Who did you love that I gotta make plans with?
If we not standing then it’s not a one night stand and
I’m not romantic, I’m not with the antics, no
Damn I wish I took things slower

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It’s comforting, because it takes the boring out of it and allows one at the bottom to rise to the top.

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Monday, 2nd November

Felt oddly buoyant today. Very few troubling thoughts, which meant very little prompt for affirmations. Nice to be back in that expectant, calm, certain mindset of “it is done”.

Note to self: need to perform more magic to lube up grease the wheels of my day-to-day life. Everything goes smoothly in general, but there’s always room to adjust and nudge it onto an even more pleasant course.

Fri 30/10: Finished Unfreezing Ritual, day three.

Saturday 31/10: Opening for the group ritual work I’m doing; petition to Hekate.

Sunday 1/11: More work with Hekate. Visionary magic. She, as pale as death, robed in black or midnight blue, wearing a crown of three moons. After the group work, I hedged that I had something else I wished to request. “Ask,” she said. Her voice is deep. I asked her assistance to break down, destroy, and remove any barriers that stand between myself and my goal.

She showed me the shimmering trail of a full moon reflected in the sea. The light of the Moon is hindered by nothing physical; its path is clear, even when the tide draws back to reveal rock or reef or hidden precipice. She showed me myself, a key piercing my heart chakra. “The key that unlocks the world,” she said.


Tuesday, 3rd November

I called on @Lady_Eva’s Angel of Lost Things:

  • Drew the Angel’s sigil in black ink on paper.
  • On the back, I wrote a little rhyme outlining my petition.
  • Lit a blue candle, a pretty, new, light pink taper, and a candy-smelling incense that reminds me of pink musk sticks (my childhood favourite).
  • Meditated for a few minutes by looking through the candle flame, then opened her sigil while calling her by her title.
  • Once the sigil was flashing, I addressed the Angel of Lost Things, and read my little rhyme aloud:

to you I ask, return to me
playfulness, calm certainty.
the mindset that I had back then.
what was lost is mine again.
the setting moon, the rising sun,
it is done! it is done!

I pictured the result by thinking the thoughts and feeling the attitude I intend to embody once again, folded the petition, lit it with the pink candle, and dropped it into my “cauldron” to burn.

Interestingly, it burned down in the shape of unfolding petals before crumbling into ash. The pink candle flame was dancing wildly, and a nice calm energy suffused the room. :relaxed: :cherry_blossom:

Edit: I have also seen more movement from the affirmations I’ve been looping since around this time last week. :crossed_fingers:


Can’t believe it’s been over two weeks since I posted :thinking: normally it’s hard to shut me up.

Most of my time has been spent working in the MFWB group, rather than performing rituals for myself.

Couple things to report for posterity’s sake:

  • A handful of very specific romance-related rituals and LOA manifestations have worked to the letter… on someone other than my intended target. I’m not even mad. In fact, I am happy, and I see that happiness continuing into the future. Absolutely surreal though and makes me question my casual dismissal of “divine intervention”.

  • Two weekends ago I woke up to it raining and opened the curtains in my room to enjoy the view, only to find a dead toad – belly-up and with its mouth full of dirt – on the windowsill, a foot away from where my head lies when I sleep. No obvious signs of what killed it (normally it’d have its guts eaten by birds). Took a photo of it to show people and the photo had some odd visual glitch in it. Took it off the property and disposed of it. Found another dead toad in the yard while I was out there. Bit concerning. :grimacing:

LOA-style manifestation seems to be treating me pretty well. Currently working on physical changes so it’ll be interesting to see how that pans out.

Peace :two_hearts:


Saturday, 14th November

Began one ritual each with Haniel (ongoing) and Karviel, once per day for seven days. Missed a night so concluded Karviel ritual 22 Nov. Side note: I have so many damn F e e l i n g s now. Can only hope that as promised, those feelings will be returned a hundredfold.

Thursday, 19th November

On performing the opening/protection ritual from DoM, had a spontaneous vision of… something. The environment full of intersecting prisms, dodecahedrons or icosahedrons, all entangled in an endless net underlying everything. And I had the sense that I could fill and colour each one of them with intent; shading them with a different ‘feel’, watching them flowing from future to past. And shading not only those of the ‘future’, but those of the ‘past’ as well, to create a ripple, or a flow, of intent.

Friday, 20th November

Came home and put on headphones with some binaural tones, meditated for about an hour. Came out of meditation and put on a TV show while I considered what to eat. TV show characters are in a band, they’re playing live music. “This next song is called… Sorceror.” The ceiling light above me starts flickering in time with the music in the show. The song ends. The light comes back on and stays on. Lel

Monday, 23rd November

Woke up sweating from a strange dream. I’d left some event and was walking through the bush back to my car, when a huge white goanna (monitor lizard) slithered out from under the rocks beside the path. Two more white goannas followed it, a medium-sized one, and a small one. The huge lizard walked out onto the path and lay down on its belly, and the two smaller lizards crawled inside it. It noticed another random stranger walking on the same path as me, and approached him, menacing him. I backed away and then turned and ran. The goanna chased me, got ahead of me, and lunged, so I was on my back trying fend it off with a stick. It turned into a large black house-cat, hissing in my face. I strangled it until it was near unconscious and subdued, and then ran back to the safety of my car, still being chased, but managing to escape.

Noting it here for posterity, since this is the second time in the past few weeks I’ve dreamt of being vulnerable on my back as a white animal attacked me.


Quick read for current situation, noting it here for future reference:

Four of swords – nine of cups – two of wands

Thursday, 26th November

Opeth – Marrow of the Earth


From Shadows on the Wall – to In Cold Dwellings – now Marrow of the Earth.

Always wanted to be an author of novels but the idea of static rather than dynamic and changeable is… itchy and irksome. Things need the right to change; hard to do that in hardcover. But, do like the idea of changing with the tides, or the breeze. So, updating title to reflect my… mood? Outlook?


In some ways I actually saw this play out the very next day (today); perhaps not all of it, but the current or the spirit of it. Wasn’t for me but for someone else.


Looking back now at my “old” posts. I’ve come a long way, in some ways, and in others, not so much. A lot of things left said but un-done, true to my nature. :stuck_out_tongue: Given the above, I wonder if my next pondered worthwhile project would be a tarot draw at the beginning and end of each day.

Concluded my working for the magickal friends-with-benefits group. Nice to have a reason to perform magic each day. Now; to find a new project to work towards.


I’ve been listening to this on repeat:

My mood has been generally lifted. What’s more, I find my general impatience at life has been soothed.


“The root of all suffering.”

It is not desire itself that causes suffering, but the feeling of lack which it entails… causing us to notice the separation between what we have and what we want – the absence of the desired thing. The key, then, is not to rid yourself of desire, but to rid yourself of lack and the feeling of separation.


OBE / Lucidity

Last night I had my very first clean separation OBE leading into a fully lucid dream.

Y’all. I was so excited. This is like my holy grail. I love to sleep, I love to dream, and being lucid in a dream is like this unutterably pleasurable pinnacle of experience (I’m easily pleased, obviously). Luckily I cannot leave my body or dream with full lucidity on demand, or there’s no doubt I’d achieve peak ascetic hermit lifestyle purely as a byproduct of never wanting to do anything else.

So, a toast to it being the first of many. :wine_glass:

To spare the details (jk, I have written everything I remember further down below for anyone who’s actually interested), I’ll just note how multi-layered the experience was, what I think contributed, et cetera.

  • Fasted for something like 20 hours, ate a small meal, then fasted again for around eight hours, through dinnertime. (Mostly unintentional.)

  • Was on heavy painkillers and a tranquilliser. (Prescription/medical necessity, not recreational, fwiw, and I certainly do not recommend this to anyone, only noting it here for posterity.)

  • Dozed in a twilight state for an extended period without fully falling asleep, so I was in a hypnagogic state for a long time, and cycled through multiple sleep paralysis episodes. Usually these happen when I’m lying on my back; interestingly in this case, I was on my side but I lay completely motionless for long enough that my body fell asleep.

  • Rather than the usual deafening buzzing/ringing noise that accompanies sleep paralysis episodes, rather this time I heard whooshing noises, like the wind blowing strongly.

  • Had around three or four sleep paralysis episodes before I was able to separate.

  • I called to Metatron.

  • At some point I obviously fell asleep, but the timeline is blurred. When I left my body, I was completely aware of doing so. It was only on truly waking and then reflecting on the experience that I realised the environment of the experience – while very crisp, detailed, and memorable – was unrealistic, not true to life. My lucid dream-self didn’t question the incongruities at all, and took them as realism, the same way that the non-lucid dream-self does not question the reality of their environment… which is really a fancy way of saying that I left my body, and was floating in my bedroom above my own sleeping form, and I knew it beyond question to be my bedroom, etc., without recognising that the furniture was arranged in a way I’ve never arranged it, and there was a window there that doesn’t exist in real life, which led out into a backyard from a completely different house I lived in when I was younger. That kind of thing.


First, beforehand, as I was cycling through sleep paralysis episodes, I recognised them as they kept happening, and decided to try using them to my advantage. The first was uncomfortable, and with that slight tinge of fear. I couldn’t see anything. The paralysis ended, I drew the covers back up over my head, and tried again.

The second paralysis episode, I chanted archangel Michael’s name in my head. I don’t have a strong connection to him, nor have I ever worked with him directly, but it seemed right given his role as protector, and because I have been working with angelic currents lately. I tried to leave my body by sinking through the mattress, straining for it. Rather than the deafeningly loud ringing and buzzing in my ears that I’m used to, I heard a whooshing noise, like a gale blowing 'round the eaves of the house. Again, I could see nothing.

The third time, I heard a voice whisper something like, “call your name,” and I immediately thought of Metatron, and began to call to him. I could see, in all the blackness, a single distant star, haloed with light – that corona effect when you’re not wearing your glasses, or of streetlamps through the windshield on a rainy night. I tried to rise from my body. Again I called to Metatron. I heard the whoosh of wind blowing past, again while I was straining to rise.

The image of the star grew larger, and resolved into a strange image. A white circle with a black silhouette, like a caricature of a squat, muscular man. He raised a hand and held up one – two – three fingers. The vision in the circle changed, and it took me a moment to realise I was looking as though through a narrow tunnel at my own body. I watched my body writhe and strain and violently launch itself up from the mattress.

Unsure if there was a fourth paralysis episode, or whether that last one drew itself out further; likely this is the point where I crossed into sleep. I chanted Metatron’s name again, then willed myself to rise, and then simply lifted and peeled away from my body, and was free. I was elated, and I remember thinking “Holy shit, I can’t wait to write about this on BALG.” :woman_facepalming:

So there I was, floating above my own sleeping form. I reached down and grasped my own legs and marvelled at feeling my own sleeping flesh. Then figuring I may as well make the most of it, I turned and walked straight through the wall and was outside in the yard, one very reminiscent of the backyard outside my childhood bedroom window. As soon as I tried to step through the fence, I found myself back in my bedroom in front of the window, and it took me a few tries of running the exact same route to to realise I was essentially trapped in an endless corridor.

Instead I left my room by walking through the closed door. Incongruities here which I didn’t question at the time, such as sensing my sibling in a nearby room (they currently live in a different state). I saw my roommate’s cats, who noticed me, and one of them immediately ran to me and began yowling for attention. I floated through the rest of the house (an amalgamation of various houses I’ve lived in). The front door was ajar, I walked through it and found myself in what is, on reflection, something very like a video game simulation of a perfect neighbourhood. I’d noticed that I didn’t have anything like the cord or thread connecting me to my physical body that some people speak of, but I also acknowledged that I shouldn’t stray too far, and I’d decided this was essentially the “tutorial area”, and that I should stay nearby and not try to overextend.

The stars overheard were so thickly clustered, bright and beautiful. I danced and turned cartwheels on the lawn, and then realising nothing really tethered me to the earth I just floated up, and glided around the neighbourhood. Not much else here to really note; there were a lot of odd, random structures (again, very video-game-esque), like a giant water tower, and another very tall structure which, when I flew over to it, turned out to be an impossibly tall slide… like you’d find at a children’s playground. I flew to the top but became apprehensive when I considered the size of the slide tube thing and the height of the structure, and that trepidation made me hesitate. After a moment I floated away from the structure back down towards the ground, which caused me to teleport back to my dream-bedroom and my sleeping body, and then immediately awaken in real life.

It was super disorienting, and after I woke up I was in awe for a few moments. Only when I began reflecting and putting the pieces together did it become clear it was not a “true” OBE or astral projection; rather it was an OBE-triggered lucid dream, very vividly experienced and remembered. The question is whether the OBE separation itself was “real”, and what triggered the dream. So strange to dream of an OBE and that in itself causing lucidity, but that blurred line fascinates me. Again, here’s to many more.


Congrats on having this experience! I’m super happy for you.

I’ve been enjoying reading your journal. I absolutely love the way you write, so if you ever come out with a book, let a bitch know because I’ll totally devour it. :sparkling_heart:🤸

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Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You’ll be the first to know if I ever get around to writing a book, promise :handshake:


It makes sense to me that you’re seeing a combination of current, previous, and “fillers”. When I project in the physical, I see a representation of the environment in a similar way.



Interesting! And thank you :blush: when you’re projecting I imagine you’re aware of the fact that the environment is like a patchwork as you move through it… is that right? Or do you take it at face value?

If I go into a deep trance/relaxed state, void meditation and whatnot, I can achieve some phenomena like remote viewing, but it seems very tied to the physical, as everywhere I’ve viewed (that I’ve been to irl), things are placed exactly as they should be. And then I wonder, is it something intrinsic to the “plane” itself – or is it from the mind of the observer – I presume both/neither, since the two are inextricably intertwined anyway :thinking: further experimentation is needed


Depends on what I’m doing. Is it a partial projection or a full? With full projections, which I haven’t done in a LONG time, I would go straight into a non-ordinary environment. With the partial, which I figure is a halfway between full projection and remote viewing (which I also used to do). Remote viewing, for me, was definitely passive, factual.

The partial is where I get the patchwork, where it’s a mix. I’ve been working with that state and doing workings in remote areas, say, banishings, opening portals, removing defenses, etc… Pet project of mine I dabble with. Since it’s a side project, I haven’t done much with it lately, due to the MFWB workings taking priority.


Do you have a journal thread where you’ve written about your astral work? I’d be interested in reading it :smiley:

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No, I don’t. That was 20+ years ago. But I started exploring the idea that there could be something achievable between the astral projection state and the remote viewing state. Never pursued it. But there was an entry in my Shadownomicon stuff where I remotely opened a portal as an experiment with it. While I confirmed it was open with both Abaddon, I need to find a place around here I haven’t been to, open one, and then go visit it to make sure it worked. Haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Still working on the technique, but when I attempt it at this point, I look in my mind for the location and then “move” myself to it, similar to traveling astrally. Then perform the working. I’ve also been working with it to try to comfort people. WIP.


Monday, 7th December

I literally never thought I would ever speak or write the following words, but here goes: I made a graph, for fun, out of data I’ve been collecting. :exploding_head: I’ve been tracking my menstrual cycle for about 18 months, after coming off hormonal birth control about two years ago.

Given the data, the evidence is quite clear:

  1. I am shit at making graphs.
  2. My menstrual cycle has gradually synchronised with the lunar cycle. :thinking:

Of course there’s a gradual swing over time, but for the past eight months it hasn’t deviated more than three days on average (on both new moon & full moon).

Statistically speaking, it’s technically neither significant nor uncommon, but it does make me wonder if the tides of one’s own body can be harnessed for ritual purposes, so I note it here as another addition to my list for future research/trial.


I’ve been enjoying a general upswing in mood and mindset and I attribute this to my recent exploration into subliminals. So I made my own subliminal track. Can’t wait to report back with my amazing results. :sunglasses:


I’d put a servitor into hibernation. I called him up the night of Thursday December 3. I had to call his name more than thrice for him to appear, seems he was sleeping deeply. When I “touched” him, his being felt full of tangled thoughts. Unsure if this is a flaw in my design. There are thoughts he was supposed to not only change but transmute into an energy source; I don’t know if he was acting as a vessel for the original thoughts because of something I did wrong, or for some other reason. I had the idea to compress them all into a singularity, the centre point became a little blazing star which then immediately radiated out in zig-zags through his construct. I’ll see how it goes.


According to this journal I last performed a ritual on November 19th… I don’t even remember what it was, and it’s not recorded in my offline journal, and it was a DoM ritual, which means I most likely made an offering… which I’ve now forgotten entirely… :grimacing: fuck.

Last night I went ahead with a partial evocation, which was a partial success. :stuck_out_tongue: I slipped very easily into an altered state, and I had a more intense physical reaction than I’ve ever had. Normally when I work with demonic currents all the muscles in my extremities tense up; this time I didn’t notice that so much, because I was focused on how the room temperature dropped significantly in a matter of seconds, and then goosebumps erupted over my entire body, wave after wave. I think my mistake then was moving too quickly to the next part of the ritual, and the intensity lessened. But I could hear faint whispering, and sense the entity very closely, hovering on the edge of visibility, like condensed shadow.

And, I remembered to write it down in my offline journal afterwards. :roll_eyes:


Wednesday, 9th December

I remember now – I used the DoM opening ritual as an LBRP alternative, that’s it. Phew.

My order of herbs arrived (and the dried garlic flakes that I forgot I ordered alongside, which I proceeded to snack on out of the bag, because I’m a fucking goblin). They came with instructions for making tea… hehe, no. I’m reclined in bed right now smoking mugwort and skullcap. Delightful.


This morning I had another sleep paralysis event. It was largely uneventful, i.e. no OBE separation or anything, but a few interesting things I’ll note here. First, it wasn’t full paralysis, at least not for the entirety of it. I had some small capacity to move, sluggishly and with great effort, like clenching my fist or moving my hand. Second, weird time distortion… which obviously could have been me misremembering events, but I recall that I woke up and looked at my phone, saw that I had precisely 12 minutes until my alarm went off, and decided to doze until then. After I went through the events mentioned below – which if I had to guess took around 30 - 60 minutes of slipping in and out of the hypnagogic state – I roused myself, looked at my phone again, and the time hadn’t changed.

In paralysis – at one point I heard whispers and saw a presence; a tall, cloaked, horned figure stood watching me from the corner of the room. While it didn’t seem threatening, it startled me, and I didn’t recognise the energy, so I traced out a banishing pentagram (or maybe only visualised doing so), called Metatron, and blazed the entire room. Like the heavens opened up and an enormous pillar of holy light blasted everything in sight. Never done that before; very effective.

I then struggled for a bit trying to separate from my body, no success. At one point I did view the room as though I was floating above my body, but it was muddy and dim. Then, I had the same experience as last time, seeing a single white star. I moved toward it, and into it, and this time was rushed along a black tunnel with twisting, transparent purple glyphs lining every surface. At the end of the tunnel was again the white star, which I flew into and emerged from into wakefulness, at the same time hearing very distinctly the cry of an infant. :roll_eyes: It was exactly like how some Hollywood film might represent the soul’s unknown journey into birth. Cheers for that, brain.

Skull / familiar

I bought a little mink skull for my altar. I think I’m going to use it to house a servitor… assuming the existing tenant agrees. :stuck_out_tongue: That begs the question, is there protocol here? Scratch that, it feels wrong – it’d be more right to see if there is any remnant of the little one remaining. I wonder if it might even be friendly and willing to help, or act as a familiar. Strangely, I feel a certain measure of affection for said skull. If I were to have a daemon, or a Patronus, I think it would be something in the polecat family. Add this to my list of things to do. Sooner rather than later, I think.