In a funk right about now

Struggling with depression and sadness… most of my summoning of demons doesn’t work no matter what. Seen some signs with ex but ultimately gave up on her as it probably just wasn’t meant to be. It’s 10pm where I’m at and the only person I really have to talk to is my mother, who’s a Christian mother and doesn’t agree with what I’m doing(she found the candles and sigils I drew) thoughts of giving up magic kind of fading from my mind a bit but I don’t want to. Just not sure what to do.


You should hop on this bus:

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I did. I’m still waiting

I’m sitting here playing around with the voodoo doll I have to try to help my friend. Just a bit sad and depressed. Everything in my life went sour in one week smh.

You should hear some of my stories sometime. I spent years in a hell-hole, no friends, no real connection with society, no future in front of me. Yet here I am now, things are looking up and I’m anticipating a lot of real progress soon. You have to hang in there, friend, and if you want to talk about it, you can DM me (or I can DM you if you aren’t able to yet).

Here’s a short video for you: - YouTube


That’s called spirituality my friend , every obstacle in your life can act as a catalyst towards your goals if you let it, or you play the victim and let everything destroy you


Go read some books on NLP. neurolinguistic programming .It will help you learn emotional management. Meaning making your eq smarter. U can react to life’s circumstance or take control of how you feel and respond to things you don’t like.


Listen to john wick. he kick ass! he knows what he’s doing. =o) i’m waiting for the fourth time for him to kick some more ass. haha. unfortunately it will be release the same day as matrix 4. argh!!! which to watch first?

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Haven’t even seen any of the movies got to watch them tho, just chose the name cause it everyone kept saying it on fortnite last year :joy::joy:


that should keep u busy for a nite. lol or more if your distracted by other shows…


Thanks for the advice everyone. It’s been a pleasure talking with all of you guys. I think I’m hanging in my hat. I’ll take the advice that was given and use it to my best abilities. Thank you all

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