Importance of veganism?

From an ecological standpoint let me give you an example of something that happened not too long ago:

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that was awesome! Thanks for sharing

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You’re welcome \m/

I’ve read a reason for adopting that diet: vegetables/animals/men, due to the “gap”, by eating vegetables some forces come into play.
Those human forces would not be used when eating meat, and an occult law is that inactive = obstacle.

Yes it’s incredible how everything is interconnected. Thanks for posting.


@NoxLumina I am going to say it depends. As far as necromantic rites go in all but the darkest of rituals the best source of animal parts (blood, bone, meat) is from an animal that has died of natural causes. There are exceptions once we go into certain dark rites where the animal is supposed to die in as much pain as possible, but for the most part the energies released when an animal is killed through an extreme method like sacrifice is supposed to be a hindrance. It really depends on what you are trying to do. Their are times when pain and suffering is what you are going for in which case you are right. When contacting the energies of death per say though I would say not so much.

Let’s get a few things straight:

Humans do not need meat to thrive. Not eating meat has helped me Magickally - but as I don’t eat meat how can I know that?

Vegetables, fruits and grains all come from earth.

Killing a plant is completely and utterly different from raising an animal in unnatural conditions, filling it with hormones and/or antibiotics, transporting it and slaughtering it in mass death factories because meat full of adrenalin tastes better. That sort of stuff does affect the morphic field. I see it manifest in lack of happiness, crime, suicide, illness and death rates. Frankly, I’m a whole lot better than that.

I can cook a vegetarian meat pie and you’d never know it wasn’t meat. I can cook chicken curries with no dead bird. I know how to use vegetarian bacon.

Now if you know nothing about the morphic field but have a borrowed philosophy that justifies what you were going to do anyway, then go for it. Sure it affects me, but not as much as it does you. But it’s your path so you go for it. Frankly, it’s none of my business.


@Uncle-Al Believe me the inner demon is very, very real. I know because I’ve invoked it. It’s not a “borrowed philosophy”. It’s not really philosophy at all. It’s a real being that makes up a fundamental part of who you are.

I hope you do realize that you just proved my point. That (suicide, illness, death) is exactly what Necromancy feeds off of.

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Tell that to the Eskimos and the Rocky mountain people where there is no vegetables or fruit that grows there, only what they can hunt and kill, or Weston Price,( Nutrition and Physical Degeneration book/video studies)who was a dentist and wondered why people in America were getting cavities and all sorts of diseases when other primitive tribes either had none, or any they had would quickly remineralize by themselves, they also didn’t suffer the same diseases an average western diet produces.

There’s also Vince Gironda trainer of champions.( although he advocated eggs, raw milk, and liver tabs, more than just meat) He trained the likes of Larry Scott for his Olympia title, Frank Zane, and Arnold just to name a few.

Or his one student that not only followed his advice, but tells of his grandparents eating only eggs, raw milk, butter and sausages and living till 98 and 101 w/ great skin, health, a strong muscular bodies, or even their farmhand who was Indian that ONLY ATE MEAT( even though they offered him fruits an such)and lived in perfect health and strong til 113 yrs!

How about the Plains Indians. His whole life was the buffalo. It was his food, his weapon, his clothing, his shelter. That’s why the white man killed the buffalo - to starve the Indian.

Indians didn’t eat corn until we put them on reservations. Indians were very muscular warriors. The Union soldiers called them the finest light cavalry in the world.

Then consider the Bolare of South America and the Masai of Africa. For the Masai, cattle were a prized possession. They were basically meat eaters and protein eaters.

The people of all these tribes were highly sexed because they had high natural hormone levels. Moreover, they all had cholesterol levels of three to five hundred with no arterial sclerosis or heart attacks whatsoever. To boot, these people are known to be sexual even in their 80’s and 90’s because of all the cholesterol they ingest!

By the way, grains are known as anti-nutrients. The worst is white flour, cakes cookies, pastas, pastries, sugar, things like that, but grains do it as well.

That means they leech vitamins and minerals from your teeth, bones, and body.( check out Weston Price’s research free online/youtube it)

The medical profession tells you what it wants to tell you. It creates a drug after your bad diet has caused a problem. All you have to do is go to the library and get a medical dictionary - Tabor’s 16th edition, page 1909. I’ll tell you in essence what it says. When you ingest an excess amount of carbohydrates (sugar), it is converted by the liver to triglycerides and diglycerides, which are a sticky form of fat that the liver pushes into the bloodstream.

Your LDL level goes up. Your VDL level goes up. Your triglyceride and diglyceride levels go up. You keep doing this, it gives you a heart attack. What you want to do is keep your HDL level very high, and you do that by eating fats and proteins like the American Plains Indian or any of the others mentioned before.

So you see, medical doctors are wrong again. They usually are. They don’t know how to prevent diseases. They are not nutritionists. They just write prescriptions for the ones you have.

I agree about the animal abuse, but the fact is protein and fat is VERY important to your overall health and hormone levels, especially getting enough cholesterol in your diet, because that is a precursor that makes every hormone in your body. Meat that has been eaten over long periods of time by these tribes and others has only shown health benefits and a much higher level of health than the western population has as a whole( less cavities if any, healthier teeth and gums, less diseases if any, increased longevity, increased sexual capacity, more general enjoyment of life, no instances of depression, less aggression etc,.

There were vegetarians that were coming to Weston price complaining of various problems, especially aggressive/homicidal thoughts and depression. He put them on a diet of meat, then their problems were gone in a weeks time never to return.

Hitler was a vegetarian.

I also started to notice thoughts like this during my 3 month stint of vegetarianism, but didn’t find out about all of this till decades later.

If you don’t eat meat and the fat with it,(consistently) than you can’t logically say what it can and can’t do for you until you start and see the results for yourself in light of the evidence around you.

Again the best would be grass fed free range like the tribes/hunters do it, naturally. They didn’t torture it before keeling it either.

No hormone chemical laden food is good for you, but unless you grow your own fruits, vegetables and grains, or know they’re truly organic, your getting chemical laden food even if it’s not meat as they use chemicals from the pesticides that mess up your hormones as a person.

That’s why I say free range-grass fed is the best if you do eat meat, butter(NOT MARGARINE as that is a trans fat and is also proven to clog your arteries), cheese, milk etc,.

Protein, according to Hippocrates, comes from the word protos which means "most important"and natural complete protein comes with fat in order to digest it properly. If you eat it without the fat, it will not digest properly and will turn to sugar instead in your body.

Another good book is called Protein Power, with more studies done inside it.

Your body is made of protein and water, not carbohydrates( you can use that for energy, but so can you with fat and protein)

This is what I know. This has been my experience. This has been many other’s experiences the world over. I’ve been involved in bodybuilding, nutrition, alternative healing methods, chi-gung, meditation methods, magick, and the like for over 16 yrs. now.

Everyone that I’ve told this too that has tried this out for themselves has benefited greatly from it, including my own experiences of repairing gums and teeth, greater general vitality and well being, enhanced sexual hormones, better blood profiles, greater muscularity, younger looking skin, clearer thinking, and weight loss with muscle tone gain.

If you don’t want to eat meat, that’s fine but at least try the liver tabs Gironda recommended, as they are potent detoxifiers of your liver, help with hormone levels, energy, a potent source of vitamins and minerals, clean the blood, build the blood, detoxifies body, greatly increases your endurance and recovery times, has lipotropics that build muscle and burn fat, help the skin etc,.

They did studies where they gave mice poisons and had some on a regular diet, some on a diet with added synthetic vitamins, and some on a diet just of liver tabs. The ONLY ones that survived were the ones who had the liver tabs in their diet. Not only that, but all those mice on the liver THRIVED and got bigger and stronger and lived longer than regular mice.

All the other mice shriveled to nothing, became sickly and died, shortly after the poison was given.

I encourage anyone who wants, to take a look at all I’ve written above, do your own research about it, let go of your preconceived notions about it, try it, and then see for yourself.


Damn right. I was not going into a conversation about this because of how bias some vegans/vegetarians are, but now that someone pointed out all of the above I must say it is so true. Nutritionists never tell you to drop meat. I have been a certified trainer since I was 17 and no where does any reliable source tell you to not eat meat or vegetables. We as humans have k9’s in our mouth because of our evolution which tells us our bodies require both to be fully sufficient. Protein synthesis of proteins of both plants and animals keep our blood sugars/ insulin/ etc. Levels stabilised. If you can eat as much organic as possible its best, bc i agree the United States FDA is absolute shit, but having a BALANCED meat and veggie diet is important. I eat both and my magick is powerful and the entities still work for me regardless.

My opinion (because lets be real, you CANNOT PROVE otherwise) is that veggies dont make or break your magick AT ALL.


@MysticNick @Rcs4215 Just saying I am pretty sure the question was whether eating meat was good for MAGICK not for health. I am on the same side of the debate as you are, but what is good for health isn’t per say always the same as what is good for magick.


@TheStorm i agree but I was not only answering the first part of the thread as the topic evolved into mind, body, and spirit. I believe that a healthy mind helps produce a healthy body, and a healthy body supports a healthy mind. But when it comes to magick as i stated at the very end to answer the original question is no, I do not believe eating meat hinders our magickal abilities.

I agree. For the RHP maybe. I can see how the theoretical argument would go. For the LHP however I can’t see how eating meat would be a hinderance in most cases. Of course certain practices involve either a water fast (drink water only for a certain period of time) or if not a highly minimal diet of bread, water and vitamin tablets. If that sounds unhealthy that’s the point. It’s meant to drive you as close to death as possible without actually killing you which the grimoires say is necessary for certain advanced necromantic rites (haven’t tried them yet. I am nowhere near that level). That is very different from a vegan diet though so I think your point (which I agree with) still stands.

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Do you feel free range livestock killed humanely has the same effect on the morphic field?

Not exactly. The buffalo were hunted to nothing because of the extremely high demand for pemmican, which was a top source of nutrients for the increasing population during westward expansion/exploration. The uncomfortable fact nobody wants to address is that it was the natives themselves who started the trend. They would sell it the white people, and after the white people figured out how to cut out the middle man both the natives and the buffalo were screwed.

Correct, but a lack of micro-nutrients will. Many people eat shit food, with much of the nutrient content lost. If I had to choose between veggies and shyte meats/ding-ding food for my nutrients I would go with veggies. That being said, I am not poor and have access to good food, so I eat plenty of quality meats in my diet and feel great.

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On the other end of this spectrum, has anyone tried magick while in ketosis?

But how does one prove any of this? I go through times when I just don’t care and dont eat all that well, my magick remains the same and my power continues to grow, same as when i am on a regimen eating healthy as can be.

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That is a great question, and I cannot answer it. I would imagine you would have to eat like crap for an extended period of time, long enough where it would have a measurable effect on your physiology. After you have allowed your body to degrade try magick of different sorts and see what the effects are. It would be a nasty experiment and I certainly am not volunteering, lol. I will say, however, that I did notice an increase in ability when I got into shape as an adult, but I cannot say if I would lose any of it if I let myself fail again, because I cannot say the increase in ability was from physical improvement, or if the physical improvement was a result of my magick and mind becoming more powerful. If I was weak and malnourished to the point of it dulling my thought processes then I could imagine how it could effect my magick negatively, but this is all theory and opinion; I have no personal experience to back it up.

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Yes, but not to the same extent. The Germans originally had elaborate laws and Magick rituals which put the horse to sleep before it was killed and butchered. It’s the needless distress, the inherent but unseen cruelty that warps things. Just as meat eating started its rise in the diet so did really horrible, large scale wars. It’s because the vibe is unbalanced[quote=“Woodsman81, post:34, topic:16813”]
Correct, but a lack of micro-nutrients will. Many people eat shit food, with much of the nutrient content lost.

This just so true. If you don’t have a grasp already of the importance of mineral and vitamin supplementation and alternative medicine, well good luck.


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So why am I still alive? I haven’t eaten red meat for decades. And by the way, I love red meat. I still dream. I have a chronic medical condition requiring prescription medication. A part from doctors’ visits to get my prescription I don’t see a doctor because I’m well. All blood tests are great.

I eat cheese, free range eggs, some fish and the occasional prawn based meal. I use soy protein. Meals without squeals. I use a lot of nicotine and caffeine. They’re are my two drugs of choice.

I will die when the prescription medication stops. Until then I will do Magick.


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@Uncle-Al I have nothing against atheistic magick just atheistic SATANISM. I find the term absurd to the extreme. How can you be a Satanist when you don’t believe in Satan? I use a lot of energy work myself. Nothing wrong with that. I still stand by my assertion that the psychodrama of the Satanic Church tends to be less effective than other methods.