Importance of the latin language (advice please)

I’m looking for advice on the Latin language and should one study and learn Latin to assist them on the path to performing rituals with more accuracy

What do you exactly need?

yeah, the more you know, the more you can forget.

I too would be interested in a reasonably priced home study option. Don’t think Rosetta Stone Software is reasonable in price, but interactivity is important for me.

Learned to write in Theban with daily use and effort. But it’s in English. Fluent Latin in my BOS would be ideal.

Keeping an eye on this thread for good ideas.

Rosetta stone is highly recommended by many but yes it can be pricey. They make the software very easy to use because they literally teach you starting from a child’s level of interpretation with picture association. Most other language softwares start by teaching you pronunciation and the difference between feminine and masculine spellings and sounds (like with Spanish), but if we are taught multiple languages before the age of 3 I believe? we can easily learn them all and use them naturally.

If taught while the brain is still developing, those langauges esssentially become a part of you and become second nature to you, but learning them in adulthood is like starting over again when you already have a language that your brain has learned to identify with and understand, so your brain continually tries to convince you the words are not right because they are strange and foreign to you which can be an added challenge. So programs that start with picture and sound identification and teach us as if we were 4 years old again, are the best way to go because are actually learning the language from the ground up in stages instead of simply trying to memorize the words.

I used a Rosetta stone app a few years ago and it was only like $1.99 because I was in Quebec and no one spoke a lick of English in certain areas. It gets old very fast if the only food you know how to order in French is a club sandwich and fries. LOL The software costs much more, but would be your best bet. Now there is also a new method called the Pimsler approach, I think I spelled that wrong? that is supposed to be easier than Rosetta stone and cheaper however, there is no definitive link to it online. Most of the things they have posted about it are on those sites that make you sign up for trials and crap you don’t want, but it has been featured on the news before so it must be somewhat legit.

Visit mexico for a few months. The mexican people are a lot nicer than they are in the u.s. “Me gustaria pasar un rato con las brujas”

Gwendolyn made a really great post about why we should learn Latin here.

No suggestions on the course but try searching under “MOOCs” (Massive Open Online Courses) - there’s a surprising amount of free or low cost educational material online now.

I’m trying to learn latin also.I focus more on little phrases like’‘bring me money’'or '‘go and destroy…’'
In fact i’m after expressing my desire in this language.Google translation isn’t helpfull at all.Damn

Here are some links I found:


[url=]Courses Latin Language

Lots of people buy language courses and never finish them, these should give you some idea how learning it feels for you and whether more investment is worthwhile later on.

Bring me money = mihi fers (or fer) pecuniam.
go and destroy = (singular) ei et dele ! (Plural) Ite et delete!

I don’t remember who, but an awesome forum member gifted us with this treasure trove some time ago, so I’ll drop the link here as well:


[quote=“Claidheam, post:11, topic:6762”]I don’t remember who, but an awesome forum member gifted us with this treasure trove some time ago, so I’ll drop the link here as well:


Bookmarked. The description for Elamite makes me want to learn it:

“Extinct, difficult, and of questionable practical value; like a pet velociraptor, however, Elamite definitely impresses at parties.”

Thank you all for your input I’m new at this forum you guys are a big help

Yes it is key to learn Latin! But it is best to learn words of power from the spirits themselves. They have there own ways and languages.

Very helpful element been doing this for a long time but Latin is my weakspot also thanks too mmm for the Latin commands

It seems reasonable to me that the language and script which was brought to our attn by EA, would at least be a appropriate and powerful language for use with the Semitic Deities and Entities.

[quote=“Claidheam, post:11, topic:6762”]I don’t remember who, but an awesome forum member gifted us with this treasure trove some time ago, so I’ll drop the link here as well:



[quote=“Claidheam, post:11, topic:6762”]I don’t remember who, but an awesome forum member gifted us with this treasure trove some time ago, so I’ll drop the link here as well:
