Imhotep as a healer

This one is used by kemetic orthodoxy but it can still be used for ritual and magickal purposes. I use a kemetic orthodox book of prayers to invoke Thoth/ Djehuty.

Imhotep – Kemetically Speaking

I’m aware of the need to learn about him, however, I haven’t found any good resources yet. Are you able to recommend some?

Thank you so much, I’ve bookmarked it and will use it.

I’d welcome, also, anything you have on Ptah, Sekhmet, Bast, Isis, and other Egyptian gods and goddesses if you have anything like this, so that I can learn more about them and invoke them. :blush: :gem:

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Look up the real IMhotep, and Djoser, and other people at that time. And introduce yourself. It doesn’t take much, and I think if you come with good intentions, they’ll definitely be game ot help.

Like, I got help from Juno that way. It was really quick and good. So, try that.

He introduced himself to me, so the introduction has been made already. It often happens that way for me.

I’m not a newbie, I know all about introductions and immersion. I’ve been a sorceress and witch for nearly 10 years. But thanks for the well meaning advice anyway. :blush: :gem:

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Oh, don’t worry.
I just answer questions.

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Where is the best begginer source for me to learn about Kemetic Magick?

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As far I’ve researched there isn’t a modern one that exists as of yet. What does exist is mostly just pathworking or devotional material written for people practicing Kemeticism. However historically you have the PGM, the Book of the Dead, or just reaching out to Kemetic Deities to ask. The PGM has by far the most practical spells despite being so old. It’s very similar to modern African American Hoodoo, Hatian Vodoun, or any type of traditional European folk witchcraft practice. Really not much has changed these past couple millennia aside from the spirits worked with. It has spells for love, lust, domination, prosperity, healing, divination, general protection. With a few tweaks most can easily be adapted into something more modern. You will though absolutely need a relationship with certain Kemetic Deities first in order for them to work. Most of spells in the book are written for a people who were actively engaged in daily orthopractic worship from birth. So when they invoked a certain deity, before attempting one of numerous methods sympathetic magick listed, the deities were more inclined to listen or grant said requests. You need this spiritual authority conveyed via the deity first and foremost.

I noticed this is a older post, but for anyone reading Imhotep was a real person but even though he was deified as a healer, his strength is probably more in building, construction and architecture (he was the architect of the pyramid) as opposed to curing but having been deified as a healer it’s worth trying him anyway.

The goddess Isis was revered as a healer you could try calling on her. In the mythology she put the pieces of her husband back together after Set cut him into a hundred(?) pieces and restored him to life.

Thoth being a deity of knowledge is also a good choice, he’d definitely know how to heal & cure.

You could also consider calling on Heka the god of Magick though there isn’t much available about Heka other then he (the god) is said to be the personification or incarnation of magick and since you are probably interested in Doing healing magick for the issue you could always try him given that.

You could also call on non-Egyptian deities like Vishnu or his specific healing avatar Dhanvanteri (I called to Vishnu for help with my back and he helped even though I’m not a Hindu so I definitely can recommend Vishnu).

Focus on the relationship between Imhotep and Asklepios. Asklepios is a serpent healer who ran a dream temple. Imhotep was adept at alchemical medicines.