I'm very confused

Thanks @anon48957109

The bible is a book written AND rewritten AND edited by man.
What you read is not even the original text anymore.
It is NOT the word of any god.

@IFA_IFA I respect your opinion but do not bring that here, it is disrespectful.
I, for one, do not see the bible as anything more than tabloid garbage. It does not exist to me and neither does Yahwa.


:+1::pray: he speaks English

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It is safer to say astral politics. They are all playing humanity for fools to harvest them for energy and servants at the end of the day along with their own plots and only dealing fairly with those that can play by their own rules. They might be enemies but think of how many countries might be enemies today but still work together on the down low or the supposedly friendly countries that are secretly at each other’s throats for any opportunity.
Ultimately humans are what humans are meant to be, pawns and tools, those who rise above and deal with these things on their level aren’t exactly regarded as human in the same sense as everyone else.

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We are all pawns! Do you know how to speak correctly? sorry, Thank you :blush:

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No we are not.
I know it’s rough translating with Google but it is not an excuse to tell anyone “how it is.”
There are some Christians and former Christians here but none say the bible is the word of God to a forum of people who don’t believe in Yahwa, okay?

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Likelihood of one small tribe having sole possession of the only truth when they were culturally backwards compared to China, India, and Japan at that time, and architecturally behind the Aztecs (who were a bunch of fruitloops it seems)?

I am enchanted by Jewish people who adhere to their religion but I don’t think everyone should adopt it.


@Lokthoriel is very much so correct.

@rin that was my original reaction to this lol.


I have always been fascinated by the fact that some members of religions like Christianity and Judaism, can develop immense magical power, even with all the restrictions inherent in the control mechanisms of those religions.

Your statement about being enchanted by Jewish people who adhere to their religion, reminded me that power can be found anywhere if one looks for it. Hell, EA found it within the Mormon church, and they have some of the most restrictive rules around.


@anon48957109 besides the Bible thing he is trying to be nice

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@Borgy, @Micah @Xag_darklight, I need u guys to check my Lucifer journal post for today. Too much syncronicity with what @Micah previously posted, then this. Help me figure this out.


alright gonna check!:+1:

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@Xag_darklight, Cool. U’ll see what I’m talking about. Just post on that thread so I can keep track of it. Thanks.

Ya I do understand he’s not trying to be rude. That’s why I wouldn’t take offense, just wanted him to realize using absolutes like that won’t get him far here.


Good night everybody. :smiling_imp::innocent::grinning:


I’m especially delighted by their war of mutual annihilation with so many Muslims, whose customs and laws are identical. Go to it, mad religious people, let the ones with the best Truth win! :rofl:

All religion seems to be magick dogmatised and formalised into a human power play.

But seriously this is the thing, we are all literal living gods.

Aspects of Source capable of being aware that’s what we are, and consciously co-creating.

This is found in a book as scorned as The Secret and yet people of otherwise great power and wisdom spend years trying to add on complexity, for no good reason.

Pretty funny.


Same to you @IFA_IFA take care and keep in learning here

Yep. Remember that, originally, Muhammad recognized the similarities between his religion and that of the Christians, and invited them to join him. They told him to fuck off, and thus were the Crusades born, where the one side tried to prove their version of god was better than that of those other people, and they ended up getting their asses handed to them because, well, Muhammad was a warlord and well versed in warfare :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, humans. I am constantly surprised that we are still around on this little mudball with the way we act sometimes.


Well, that’s not technically accurate, this is a short and simple timeline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7y2LRcf4kc

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Yes, it is not a historically accurate statement, as the Crusades happened after Muhammad’s time, but, according to what I have read, he did invite the Christians to join him, but I guess they were offended by a brown man comparing his god to that of their white Jesus. I can’t remember the book I read that in though, as it was quite a while ago. :thinking:

It might have been the Lucifer Principle but I am unsure.

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