I'm sick of LARP on this website

You know, the thing about liars online is that they always slip up. Always.
Their first stories/reports/details of their magickal achievements come off as slightly bad fanfiction, but it’s believable because it’s similar to what others have experienced. Then repetitive mimicry becomes frequent, because the novelty of having the attention of an online audience wears off, right along with their creativity of making shit up.

Besides what I dig through the Search function, I don’t know how it actually was to post here back then. Is it currently that bad or are you being nostalgic? Serious question.
All I know that this forum having survived this cesspool that is the internet is a goddamn miracle - with or without the occasional emotional cripple showing up. Still online with seven (?) years of magickal knowledge available to the public, still stable and without falling into mass deletions and flamewars.
I’m one of the new users who doesn’t post shit because 95% of my doubts I can solve with a 3 minute search and my experiences are probably just a regular Thursday for 2/3 of the active users of this forum. Nothing to see here.

Anyways, my unsolicited advice to you, OP, and everybody who happens to read this little wall of text is: If you think someone is here to roleplay and to receive gratuitous praise and applause for whatever reason (escapism and/or boredom), either question what they’re saying or do not give a shred of attention; just sit back, flag it, perhaps let yourself be entertained by their web of lies.
People like that usually leave or finally slip up by updating their “script” in a desperate attempt to get attention.
This is why I don’t worry about it that much, it comes and goes in small cycles… Specially in a community like this one.


I see what you mean, there are alot of people here who seem to believe processes that effect them in the astral, and have no real world impact, are equal to actual real world success and power. The shape shifting groups is a great example of this: lots of hot air and larping but no real world results.
Honestly, I wouldn’t say Eva bans criticism in anyway. She’s a mod and so she has to remain neutral to an extent. Try criticising someone or calling out someone, in a mature way, and you’ll see that kind of discussion is perfectly acceptable.
This is the internet, and as with all internet sites, people exaggerate and pretend to an extent. The trick is to just have a bit of light-hearted fun with the larpers and not take them seriously.


God honest truth, that does happen, but I think, its more role playing then actual real happening, to many damn people pretending to be something they ain’t great to have imagination but come on, why bring it hear your right, they need to find a fantasy form to do this shit in. Not real magic forums.


There has been a large change in the last 2 years, the forum was behind a registration wall until April 2017, so it was MUCH smaller, less busy, and opening it up has led to different kinds of people being attracted to the forum, because they find it through search results. :thinking:

There has also been an increase in people who want magick to solve a specific problem, and who would not persist with magick if that problem resolved itself by other means, whereas before it was more people who practiced magick “for the sake of it.”

So, there has been a cultural change for sure: I tend to mostly favour it because I strongly believe that magick should be taught as freely as languages or any other human skill, but the old forum was also a very special place, and we had some good days on there.

But all things change: many businesses refuse to run a community at all, because of the associated time and expense, and simply move their stuff to Facebook - BALG are doing something important by creating this resource, and anyone who wants to SEE more high-quality posts has no right to whinge unless they are also MAKING them.

Any forum is only ever as good as its members, so, share your work, be the change.

Thank you. I think the worst scenario would be a mod, or any large number of mods or vocal old-timers, who get to enforce THEIR specific brand of bullshit (because all magick is bullshit to someone out there) whilst shutting down anything outside of their experience.

I have been on forums and communities like that, and it fucking sucks.

A lot of forums and communities go that route though, and end up suffocating on their own smugness. On here, not only are ALL members able to flag anything they think is so far out that it’s a genuine problem, and receive a reply that explains what happened as a result of the flag (either from me, or the automated system) you can also always prevent a topic showing up again, by using this method.

And with my magician hat on, I don’t want to white-knight for anyone by name but there is at least one member on here who I have seen described as a larper a few times, who is anything but, at least in my experience and that of others who have interacted with some of their stuff. :man_shrugging:


Its benifit is going from using 3 prescription medications down to one. Suffering from chronic cluster headachez on a daily basis. When sleep deprived usualy instant migraine.

Constant meditation and activation thanks to @micah and many others has transformed my life from having to many days off due to migraines and almost loosing my job. Now i only get the ocasional migraine. People will believe what they want to believe. I am definetly not the same person.

Not to mention the benifits that other forum members who have gained from the same rites and have continuely expanded on his gnosis.

Its not meant for everyone. Neither is all the posts on here is meant for everyone either. Take whats needed and helpful and discard the rest.

Yes there is a fine line between imagination and delusion. But if its helping you in your life in some way is it a delusion? I dont think so.

Your entitled to your opinion. Im grateful for the opportunity to share mine and fight for what i believe in. Expand and see beyond the self.


Well, it’s no worse than you talk about it, I noticed that in December personally. At that moment he has a lot of people who arrived, a lot of new account, I saw appear a number of great magician and living god just gigantic :new_moon_with_face: Astonishing to see that so many people have managed to cross these worlds in such a short time. I looked at anothers more independent sites, some have been working on magic for decades, practice meditation since very small, but their results are not so spectacular, they act on the future, not on the matter. I especially see it on the side of the forum : Relationship.
I have also seen many of his newcomers come to ask for free help, such as: drawing their inner fort, reading card, reading rune, etc. But I don’t saw half of this people on the forum after this, it’s mainly one of the things that annoyed me the most. Dreamers and profiteers.


That’s actually something that has bothered me personally, and I have spoke with very few trusted practitioners/friends. Because exactly a year ago I was a totally normal person, who used to have some abilities but took a long break and learned to ignore everything magickal.

And I still wonder why I learned things so fast that others who practice for decades still struggle with and have yet to discover. I have some theories but nothing more. I have no actual answer. And that’s why you won’t see me sharing as much, because who the fuck will believe me, right? :woman_shrugging:


Its pretty easy to tell.

When you read and experience just go experience whichever evocation or meditation they did and compare your experience to theirs? This is obviously not ideal if youre already pathworking

I dont see the problem, if anything it gives us ideas for things to try.


No matter what, this forum or any other forum for that matter is going to contain different types of people. Those types are (a) experienced magicians who know there their stuff (b) newcomers who don’t, but are sincere and want to learn © people who are delusional and/or bat shit crazy and (d) dumb-asses, which there are plenty of.

I do admit that some of the posts saying things such as “A red car just passed by my house; do you think that it is Satan trying to contact me?” or “I can’t work with angels because the guy at Hot Topic who sold me my pentagram necklace said that Angels and Demons do not like each other.” are fun to read.


I understand what you mean, since even I (being relatively new to these endeavours) have perceived the same. BUT, even though I have all the right in the world to judge, I prefer not to, since I don’t really know the people behind the avatars. So I just question everything, and take whatever resonates with me, to see if I can get results on my own, and discard the rest (for the time being at least).

Remember that to outsiders, we are all delusional.


I dislike boasting in general, whether its deserved or not. Wild stories create a pressure for perhaps less succesful/dramatic magicians to match those achievements to “keep up” A repeating circle of exaggerations and sometimes outright bullshit. Still, doesn’t really effect me beyond occasional exasperation so I try to keep my mouth (keyboard?) shut



What @Lady_Eva said earlier about quality threads being ignored, I can vouch for that. I’ve seen some threads with quality content and interesting operations being ignored for the same old basic-ass topics that are questions that have already been answered many times.

Instead of getting pissy about the overblown threads about things like ‘spirit lovers’ or ‘muh black magick’, start posting threads about serious operations and stuff. Be the solution, not part of the problem.


No matter how good the thread is, not every one is gonna find the subject matter interesting.


I completely agree with you, except the part about Lady_Eva.

But here’s the thing. To get the results you’re talking about from magick in your life, you first need power and knowledge. Not only knowledge. Some people get their power after they gain knowledge, others get it from within. Regardless of what they know or what they can actually do.

Those people have faith in themselves, they believe they have the power to cause change in their lives. But they understand they can’t do that yet because they don’t have enough knowledge, skills and experience. That’s why they are here. This act, doesn’t reflect delusion, it reflects self-awareness and intelligence. And they are the majority of those young “Gods” :slight_smile:

On the other hand, few come here claiming they already have what it takes to do anything and everything, and act like masters of the universe, while they’re only role playing. And you wouldn’t know how their real result is like, because they simply lie to themselves and others. That’s their goal. Not to learn or empower their lives and other people’s experiences, but to feed on the fake emotional state of power. Because that’s what they need to survive.

It’s extremely annoying to me personally. Especially when they really go too far with their claims, suggestions and sometimes demands. Really crazy shit lol But of course, as advised, the easier solution is to ignore it and move on. And that works for me. Fortunately, the majority are not those people. So I don’t feel that the forum as a whole is suffering from them… they come and go all the time. When they cross the red lines of the forum, they’re immediately kicked out by moderators. So no harm done.


True, but when people don’t even try to branch out, they are only hurting their own practice.


True, though branching out too much, too soon, could also be harmful. Juggling 2 knifes is far less likely to end in disaster if you don’t immediately add in 10 chainsaws :rofl:


I agree. And then they will ask on another thread like not even 1 hour to 1 day later how to do the same thing like someone didn’t just say how?


Wise words.

I’ve looked at this topic, took a nap, ate some food, and all that done I freely admit to STILL being a little pissed that the OP expects me to be the reality police around here - I had a fucking demonic Child, ffs! :laughing:

Talk about putting the lunatics in charge of the asylum!

Okay, so I’m screwy, no surprises there, but maybe the admins can help fix this plague of “Devil Genes” and suchlike? :thinking:

In fact, when I asked Belial what exactly is the Gate that They are keeping, he showed me an image of the human DNA strand, only altered, imbued with something not entirely physical, like a column of light running through the center of the genome.

As such, WE are the Gates through which these entities can enter our world, and the Opening of the Gate is the full and solidfied Ascent of the individual. Carried through by enough Sorcerers, the evolution of the individual will give way to the evolution of the entire human species.

This is the true Great Work.

E.A. Koetting, newsletter, Fri, Mar 23, 2018

But what about Timothy?

Dear reader, allow me to reveal a dirty little secret: the occult has never been about helping humanity to progress; instead, it has allways been about aggrandizing political power. Hence, occultists have always organized theocratically in religious institutions like churches, temples, lodges, and orders. It allows megalomaniacs to hoard knowledge, gatekeep magick, and ban dissenters. These priests and priestesses only tolerate ingenious magicians if they propagate their messages under their church, or else they act belligerant towards them, with slander, doxing, piracy, etc.

~ Timothy Donaghue, Abaddon, Angel Of The Abyss

Look I’m not quoting those two nutters to try and tell you to not think what you think, just to say consider what you prefer: more freedom of speech, including for people you despise (but, can mute)?

Or less freedom of speech based on what some random person, whose ability to censor you, you have NO control over, happens to believe is real?

That’s my point made, now I’m off to have a conversation with a book. :stuck_out_tongue:


I find the spirit who is behind this forum very powerful and the people who come here come for a reason. This powerful spirit working through this forum does what He has to do. I find him great and He is surely doing the right thing. If someone doesn’t like this forum anymore is because maybe they need to work asap on theirselves.
Enjoy the weekend guys, enjoy magic, enjoy BALG! :hugs: