I'm back hehe

Hello excuse me for being so missing, I just remembered that I told two friends the dream I had with my demon that I asked of Lilith, I say “guardian” since one of his purposes is that, protection. I dreamed something interesting,
He treat myself as his girlfriend and at the same time his friend… we talked so much I don’t remember what) he was a bit shy, we drink beer together, at one point he played a guitar, then he went off and we talked on facebook and he told me that he had stayed this guitar but that he gave it to me “I have more instruments” he says…lol, How he knows that I want to learn to play the electric guitar?.
I saw he as is requested that he be, although I did not see his face I understood that he is very pale, high, long hair- black with a curious but tender smile.
I haven’t dreamed of him again, but days later I felt him in my room, I haven’t had any more contact. Is it possible to talk to him? How I can know his name?.

Thanks youu

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When you feel his presence ask him,when you are not open enough try tarot, scrying or other things that you feel comfortable with.Then he knows you are trying to contact him and he will give you signs.

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Ok thanks you :sparkles: i will try :wink:

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