If I masturbate too much, will I be unable to enjoy sex with my succubus wives?

I ask because I tend to masturbate once or twice nearly everyday. But my I have been made aware that supposedly if I use my hand to much, my mind will get so used to it that it will associate that with sexual pleasure and gratification. I want to know if this would also hinder my ability to enjoy sex with my wives. And if so, any spirits or Titus that could stop my addiction?

Any and all help is appreciated


I would at least try once in life NoFap and Semenretention. After 100 days when you start with pleasure again its a whole different level of dept and feeling you expirience.


I would recommend using sexual transmutation techhniques and watching everyday such contant as above so you rewire your goals in your mind and keep reminding yourself that there is something bether outthere than just living unhinged with ones own life force.

Every individual outthere should have some level of sexual disciplin and exercise in ones own life.

For it helps to achieve goals and selfrefinement much much faster.


I’m surprised you don’t include your succubi in your masturbation sessions. You can have “energy sex” and experience orgasms that way (you can also focus on the pleasure the succubus/incubus/non-binarybus feels and feel that yourself), but you can also most definitely summon any sexual spirits while physically masturbating with your hands or toys.

I don’t think masturbating that much is really an addiction. If it starts to negatively impact the rest of your life, that’s when I start to think that something, anything, is an addiction. A finger of whiskey every day is more than I care to partake, but if you get all your shit done and it doesn’t mess up your relationships then the only harm I see would be any potential health concerns. If sex is the only thing that can give you pleasure and immerse you in something, then I’d find another hobby to supplement your pleasure and give you more balance to your pleasure.

As a side note, it does seem to be true that the more sexual energy you feed something, the stronger the sexual pull to that becomes. Why are some people into this, others into that? Usually the answer to any question like that is both nature and nurture - in-built preferences or tendencies combined with cultivated energy. Sex is an interesting topic though. Why do big boobies not get me like they do some other people? Why do girls who could choke me between their biceps make me so aroused? Why am I into some weird shit? Too much thinking, not enough fucking, clearly.


I think I’ve done that only once before, wasn’t able to orgasm from it though.

How do I focus on the pleasure they feel?

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You made me laugh out loudly about this while Im at the table with my parents. I hope youre proud of yourself.

Hey there, Im a noob at this but one thing I did which worked in that regard was her to allow to float into my body. Not like into any hole but just her complete body inside of my body. That helped me identify with her and even feel her pleasures, as @shinri put it.


In my experience the only time masturbation becomes a problem is when you stop using your imagination for arousal.

I average about 3 to 4 times a day and still have sex with my wife 3 to 4 times a week after 20 years of marriage.


Problem with masturbation is when you stop doing that for couple of weeks,and start again you can feel empty when ejaculate.That problem i have,can be hard often not to masturbate.For example i cant feel orgasm with my succubus.

Try giving a succubus oral and see what happens. At least for me there tends to be energetic feedback even if I’m just sitting in a chair. I used to try doing this with humans before succubi, with the same energetic feedback. I also used to do this before ever stimulating my prostate, again with the same energetic feedback. Is that exactly how vaginas feel, minus the physical component? Get back to me on that one after I develop greater control in the dream state. You can also feel energetic feedback from penis stimulation and experience an energetic dick orgasm. Ka-poom, woosh woosh woosh woosh. It is also possible to experience a surprisingly solid and tangible energetic sensation pleasuring you. If you put your hands up over your mouth like you are deep in contemplation you can cover any tongue movements while in public so you can observe how it is possible to manipulate sexual energy and how you can affect people’s attention.


Work on your Clairsentience to feel their energy on a much deeper level. When you collide with each other it truly is a matter of bliss. Even though I don’t conduct any sexual related things with Lilith daughters as I mainly focused on majorly improving my self love of the time back then but working with these beings have always been a beautiful experience along with Lilith herself have gratefully improved my senses during my time being with them. It was the main key of practice when I first started working along side them. Your pretty much feeling every single bit of emotion they feel and the bonding really puts fourth with just how deep the connection goes with one another. Goes with any other known entity you may be interested in getting to know with personally.

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How tf do I give a succubus oral? Your talking to a 18 yr old who has never touched a woman in his life.

Clairsentien ce is something I do have a natural knack for. Any exercises that could help me strengthen it?

I find the last video very interesting but the dude seems to speak semi-Hindu and I cannot fully understand :frowning:


Focusing on their energy their intent and will with you plays a role into feeling what they feel towards you vice versa. If it seems as if your Clairsentience is already somewhat active in a way then you shouldn’t struggle with simple exercises. From the very start if your serious about working on your Clairsentience, the meditation of ones self mind and will to achieve results will aid you. In a nutshell, simply having the dedication. Intention is something strong that with enough of your own energy those things will manifest at the given moment. Start by conducting some grounded meditations if any of your wifes are around you or maybe if have one of their sigils call her and ask her to meditate with you. Get into that blank state of relaxation and clear your mind.

If you want to remain relaxed upon the time then doing these on a comfortable spot such as a bed will do aswell. You can simply ask what your intention is by having her give you some simple touches here and there. Make your intention apparent with them. State your really looking into strengthening your Clairsentience of touch and emotion. If you your really close with them then they shouldn’t hesitate giving you plenty of soft touches that you can pick up. They’re noticeable due to the fact that the taps and touches they give to us make us tingle in a way and once it goes from there almost as if it feels like little a tiny wave flows of energy of some sort that seems as both bodies are starting to collide. After the fact they get deeper and deeper to the point where the feeling of having actual hand on your skin press down slowly making it much more noticeable.

What @shinri describes is actually quite accurate in a sense of energetic feedback. It’s very possible to do such acts with them as they are entities that can stimulate the hell out of your chakras. Specifically the sacral chakra when it comes down to sex magic areas focusing on this certain intent. They will aid you into having such intimacy where it seems as they themselves would get into such positions and simply have you do the rest. Your ability of senses would have to be developed at least somewhat to feel such parts as shinri described it well into a energetic orgasm. Use your visualization and create certain images via in the mind so that they can pick up on those and make it happen in the physical. Even just be blunt about and say whats on your mind and proceed.


Unfortunately… But i think there is a english version of his channel. But unfortunately in this case he posts not that much but i think there is enough infos that you surely can grow with it.