Identification help

There’s this one entity/spirit who I keep seeing sometime. It was quite frequent before last week but after that whenever I see them they’re either just watching from afar or in a fighting situation.

I’ve asked Lucifer who he is, he told me that I won’t be hurt by them, and that I will be working with them in future but not now. The only reason I haven’t sought them out myself is because they definitely have demonic energy, if not a part of it, and it’s quite strong- and I am not attuned to the energy yet so if I do go, there’s a good chance I’ll fall sick. So this is me being curious and asking the forum if you have seen someone like this before.

Here’s the image:

I modelled the armor off a steampunk novel character called Gu Yun (I double checked to see if I wasn’t just imagining the character.)

Characteristics and appearances:
-Demonic, partly if not fully
-Sometimes has an imp following them around
-Always holding a sword, if not then there’s usually a scythe nearby.
-Sharp facial features
-Strong warrior type build
-Wears armor, has silver jewelry
-Straight, light color hair
-Is (of course) extremely tall
-The personality screams sharp, classy and strong

I am aware I can use the search function but I really don’t know what keywords to put in. As always, if the post is going against any guidelines please let me know, I’ll make the necessary changes. If you know about this regal spirit, please let me know.

I hope you have a good day!


What I feel is an entity belonging to the Nordic Pantheon.

What do you say?

Nir666 :blue_heart:


Maybe🤔 I’m not too sure though.


:smirk::selfie:…nope don’t know

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How does she behave, when does she usually appear?

When is she stronger/weaker - time of day, location wise…?

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I’m having trouble understanding the emoji👀

@Nir666 No specific time of the day, it’s completely random. They’re always either watching me talk or watching me fight somethig.


Maybe, you should politely ask her to ID herself next time she appears?

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I would but I can’t do it, their energy is quite strong and I’m not attuned to it to directly ask. If I push myself I’m gonna get a headache and dizziness.

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I could try talking to her as I consider myself quite successful in my occult work in the real-world…

Will that be ok?

Nir666 :heartpulse:


My phone is horribly glitching when I said yes, the spirit does not give permission to do it :sweat_smile:

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What does she think about me…
I’m intrigued…

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I don’t know…maybe what you wanted to ask was something I need to find out myself?

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Could be, what I found helpful is also to work on making yourself attuned to the Energy of the Earth itself,
as Magickal/Spiritual/Occult working you do requires a strong Physical Backbone to have effects in the real world…

What do you think, does that make sense?

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Yep, gotta ground :muscle::seedling:

I live in Israel, the holy land, and you see the land here makes in difficult to do standard Alchemy/Astrology/Mentalism and instead responds well to Earth/Necromantic Magick…

What is your experience where you live?

I’d also look into Irish Celtic and Indian Mythology,

I have some German blood in me, so I’m naturally connected to the Norse Mythogy…

Makes sense?
:blue_heart: Nir666

I’m Indian. I’ve been practicing for a little over an year. I don’t do spells yet or work with elements, but I do talk to the wind.

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Hard to say unless you divine it or ask the entity directly because on this forum you’ll most likely be told it’s an internal entity due to not much experiences outside of the infernal but it could be any entity within multiple of pantheons or even not in a pantheon at all.

I will say I thought Nordic at first as they look almost like one of the Ljósálfar of Álfheimr, but you said demonic and the Norse don’t necessarily have demonic entities besides demonized Jotun. Even the draugr that gets mistaken as demonic isn’t really demonic lol.

And they are warrior like when they choose to just as Freyr is a warrior God who rules them despite his warrior aspect being absorbed and ignored.


King Paimon maybe?

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@anon48079295 I got the 2 of Cups in Reverse…but I’m not sure what it means in the identification context.
Edit: I’m gonna look into the Nordic concept.

@MagickVigilante I have been thinking of the Goetia but I haven’t properly looked into it except the basic YouTube video. His is the only sigil I recognise but reading other people’s workings and experiences with him it’s a little hard to see both as similar🤔

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Is that how many cards you pulled by choice or intuition? What I use to do when I needed to divine to figure out who an entity is I used only major arcana and applied the meanings through research; for example I divine Ogun, I pull a major arcana that element deals with fire.

Or I divine say Belial I pull the moon card as the moon while associated with Lunar also has tied with darkness and Belial is a demon of dark energy.

To name some examples.