Ideas on identity of this being?

Hey Space Stranger,

You don’t happen to know where to find info on working with Priapus do you? I can’t find jack.

Greek Gods don’t have sigils, but I’ve seen other posts where members have evoked Greek Gods and such. However there is nada I can find about Priapus.

I found a blog from some Wicca group where they made an altar of peckers and prayed to it throughout the day before taking one to bed with them lol


The history is beyond fascinating though. There’s a really good history video on YouTube that tells everything about him mythologically.

I found a church that worships him and the collection of medieval erotica. Priapea I think it’s called.

Wow well good job! I can tell you you have already found waaaay more than I have ever found and personally I would take that as a sign you are meant to work with him

Just start with what you have Sounds like you actually have a lot to get you started

Make your own associations too Take what you know and decide from there what colors you think would compliment him what elements etc and from there you can create your own rituals

Hmm as for sigils. I use runes and alchemy to create most my sigils. So I don’t know. I asked a spirit guide to show me which rune to use for them and the one I pulled was very fitting for them

Maybe you could come up with a similar exercise? Maybe use greek letters or just draw a few design and ideas and ask which one he likes?

You don’t have to speak greek or do a fancy invocation to get their attention You already have his attention or he wouldn’t have revealed himself to you

Just speak from the heart as corny as that sounds