There are tons of items that are hard to find in the online magical market.
Since practicing evocation is the main thing we’re all into, I think selling items pertaining to that would do well since the market for this is really untapped and left up to the magician creating make shift items for their practice.
I think it would be cool to purchase a rug from BALG that has the circle of pacts on it or something similar to the magical circle from the lesser keys of solomon. I have yet to see any item like this in any shop online or anywhere else and for this I think it would do well.
Also talismans for daemons made from the correct element that’s listed in the goetia. Yes silver goes a long way but I would pay $$$$ for an authentic one.
When it comes to authenticity most shops out there don’t have this. In the “craft” the candle market is really lucrative. I have seen tons of spell candles that are infused with herbs that smell really decent and work really well for ritual practice but the problem with them is that they are made for certain pagan deities. I would love to see spell candles like this made for specific demons. To push this even further, I think demonic 7 day spell candles would do really well. For example a 7 day candle spell dedicated to Marbas for good health and so on and so on. Having spell candles like this with a short incantation by Koetting would definitely sell like “hot cakes” in my opinion.
Koetting definitely dominates the information/writing side to this belief system/industry but I feel BALG can push the envelope even further with their own brand of magical supplies. I myself wouldn’t mind dedicating some time putting together spell kits to be shipped and such to further the BALG movement.
Koetting already offers the Universal Circle. And with Dante on board now, he has always offered the Circle of Pacts, and an athame for Angelics and one for Demonics. So these items should appear here soon as well I would assume. As for candles, the best ones are the ones you consecrate and dedicate/charge yourself, at least that is my opinion; not only does it make it personal to the specific ritual, but gives you more practice at charging an item with your intent.
[quote=“Steve1111, post:1, topic:1643”]There are tons of items that are hard to find in the online magical market.
Since practicing evocation is the main thing we’re all into, I think selling items pertaining to that would do well since the market for this is really untapped and left up to the magician creating make shift items for their practice.[/quote]
I agree.
I think it would be cool to purchase a rug from BALG that has the circle of pacts on it or something similar to the magical circle from the lesser keys of solomon. I have yet to see any item like this in any shop online or anywhere else and for this I think it would do well.
We are creating more Universal Circles, and yes, we actually have plans to make batches of “popular” circles - like the Solomonic Circle - for those of you who are attached to them.
Also talismans for daemons made from the correct element that's listed in the goetia. Yes silver goes a long way but I would pay $$$$ for an authentic one.
Without getting into the fine details, we are going to release ultra-specific items dedicated to specific entities.
Koetting definitely dominates the information/writing side to this belief system/industry but I feel BALG can push the envelope even further with their own brand of magical supplies. I myself wouldn't mind dedicating some time putting together spell kits to be shipped and such to further the BALG movement.
Drop me a line at [email protected] and tell me about your spell kit ideas, how you’d source material, and cost we’d expect per unit.
Steve has just provided my exact thoughts on his post!
My BALG account is fully loaded (no shit…seriously) so I’m ready and in line this fucking time around.
Tim…would love it if you can get this shit rolling prior to Xmas.
Although I am currently making my own personal circle of pacts (courtesy of my fire familiar) I would still support and make purchases for a BALG circle of pacts floor rug, talismans,even the solomonic style sounds great.
As steve stated, true ritual products for evocation are hard to come by and I am one of those seeking similar products online, please pull me away from Ebay and lets do business shall we?..hope BALG has a “black friday” sale…LOL
im VERY glad to hear about the other circles as well as the other stuff new talismans and tools would be a really cool addition to the site imo especially for magicians who aren’t very artistically inclined…or lazy but if your just that lazy…what are you doing here lol (jk…kind of )
I’m kind of new here, but the idea is cool. What about enchanted items such as neckless and earings bound with spirits?
I know is difficult to prove but I know there is a market for that kind of items. I have never purchased one tho, I have seen online catalogs about leprechauns and fairies and stuff… what about daemons? … or revenge daemons? “Just give it to him/her and it will suffer! 50% OFF!” that kind of thing.
I definetely will purchase the magick circle, and candless and stuff.
[quote=“EpicGnome, post:8, topic:1643”]I’m kind of new here, but the idea is cool. What about enchanted items such as neckless and earings bound with spirits?
I know is difficult to prove but I know there is a market for that kind of items. I have never purchased one tho, I have seen online catalogs about leprechauns and fairies and stuff… what about daemons? … or revenge daemons? “Just give it to him/her and it will suffer! 50% OFF!” that kind of thing.
I definetely will purchase the magick circle, and candless and stuff.[/quote]
If you watch mastering evocation EA explains why selling spirit bound objects is just a joke, he teaches you to do it yourself too
Ultimately, the optimal situation is to bind, charge, and consecrate all the ritual relics yourself.
That being said, there are powerful and dangerous energies and spirits an advanced magician will know about that a novice won’t - let alone be able to harness.
This where E.A., or another skilled sorcerer, is useful.
I literally received inspiration for a nasty new ritual relic - and ordered the component parts - just a moment ago.
It’s fucking SICK!
You will get a massive magick boner when you see it. I’m sitting in Starbucks right now and cannot contain myself.
Hopefully we’ll have it ready for the mid-winter feast - the birthday of the Christian son/sun God - Christmas!
(And this is just the start, bitches. We’re devoting a lot more time to designing rare and unprecedented limited edition magickal relics)
This mentioned a ‘7 day candle dedicated to a spirit’, the other day i was in Dollar general and there were some 7 day candles in glass, next to the catholic saint candles- but these were blank; so would putting the Sigil/Seal (s) and or Enn written in sharpee or paint be ok for the candle spoken of?
[quote=“Steve1111, post:1, topic:1643”]There are tons of items that are hard to find in the online magical market.
Since practicing evocation is the main thing we’re all into, I think selling items pertaining to that would do well since the market for this is really untapped and left up to the magician creating make shift items for their practice.
I think it would be cool to purchase a rug from BALG that has the circle of pacts on it or something similar to the magical circle from the lesser keys of solomon. I have yet to see any item like this in any shop online or anywhere else and for this I think it would do well.
Also talismans for daemons made from the correct element that’s listed in the goetia. Yes silver goes a long way but I would pay $$$$ for an authentic one.
When it comes to authenticity most shops out there don’t have this. In the “craft” the candle market is really lucrative. I have seen tons of spell candles that are infused with herbs that smell really decent and work really well for ritual practice but the problem with them is that they are made for certain pagan deities. I would love to see spell candles like this made for specific demons. To push this even further, I think demonic 7 day spell candles would do really well. For example a 7 day candle spell dedicated to Marbas for good health and so on and so on. Having spell candles like this with a short incantation by Koetting would definitely sell like “hot cakes” in my opinion.
Koetting definitely dominates the information/writing side to this belief system/industry but I feel BALG can push the envelope even further with their own brand of magical supplies. I myself wouldn’t mind dedicating some time putting together spell kits to be shipped and such to further the BALG movement.
This mentioned a '7 day candle dedicated to a spirit', the other day i was in Dollar general and there were some 7 day candles in glass, next to the catholic saint candles- but these were blank; so would putting the Sigil/Seal (s) and or Enn written in sharpee or paint be ok for the candle spoken of?
Yes you’re can do this, you could even use one of the Catholic candles if they do not have the plain candles in that color. They are mass produced and no more dedicated to that saint than a chocolate bunny is dedicated to Easter.