Idea for a curse chain effect

Just got another idea that some here might find a bit useful! It’s about having to raise energy for cursing people… One of the drawbacks about having to use your own energy for curses is… Once you are wrapped up in so much hatred for a person… it’s very difficult to remove yourself from the working…

So here’s the idea… Why not crease a chain loop? Say you successfully curse one person and now their life is in complete hell, and you have another person who needs a switch ass kicking…

Instead of using your own energy, why not, possibly create a link to the original person, and have some sort of feedback loop where they absorb the negative energy from each other, while amplifying it and constantly feeding it to each other… so it doesn’t just get completely siphoned from the original target and relieve them?

Or better yet a “karmic” curse… Have a demon scan the mind/ memories of your target, and pick up on all the other people who has hated and wished ill on this person, and have those thoughts amplified so there is a constant feed from not only yourself but from outside sources

Any holes in this idea?

One hole: spirit work undermines the need for such complexity.

I don’t see why spirit work would negate the need, since in theory you would curse one, then use the negative energy from that one to curse the next, with them linked it’d be the same as holding an electric guitar up against the speaker creating a self-sustaining self-multiplying infinite loop…could just be cause i don’t really know much about this stuff but it seems like a self perpetuating system may be more efficient in the long term?

Heh, I guess you’re right… I tend to overthink thins a bit at times :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you’d create such a (potentially never-ending) downward spiral you’d literally be condemning two (or more) people to drag each other into hell, which sounds cool if you’re either Hollywood or really kickass clean with your magick, but in MOST circumstances, most people (even mundane assholes) have a spiritual “court” of ancestors, even gods, angels, all kinds, who have an agenda to make sure that person doesn’t end up in the kind of eternal shit this would bring.

And they can bite back; now, this isn’t a “baneful is dangerous, karma” etc bullshit thing but it’s what I learned from healing people and discovering even idiots can actually have fairly high-flying spiritual helpers at times.

If you just want to fuck with someone, straightforward baneful work that gets them out of your life is simplest, the reasons for taking it further won’t apply to most people in most situations.

One thing you can do is take what that person thinks they deserve (subconsciously, the “unknown unknowns” that’ll get you every time for everyone) and fuck them with that, and they’ll have virtually no defence. Once they’re dead, they can “re-set” and overcome it, so you’ve not tripped any cosmic alarms with their spirits because you only delivered on their own terms.

IMO different rules also apply if you’re doing baneful work to an enlightened magician/mystic (in which case it’s perfectly legit to fuck them up as hard, fast and permanent as possible) than just some muggle who’s probably emotionally messed-up and already living in a mental state you and I would consider hellish in its limitations.

There are other times different rules apply but for the average asshole, getting them out of your life is the simplest route.

You can’t argue with everyone who’s wrong on the internet :o) and you can’t damn all the assholes to go and live in hell, so you might as well just keep your own patch clean.

Here’s an idea I’ve arrived at recently. Don’t use your own energy. Instead, make a long term spiritual pact with one or more powerful entities and have your allies’ familiars preemptively target and attack your enemies (as you define them). Simple, and you don’t even have to consciously be aware of the process.

[quote=“nue, post:1, topic:4655”]Just got another idea that some here might find a bit useful! It’s about having to raise energy for cursing people… One of the drawbacks about having to use your own energy for curses is… Once you are wrapped up in so much hatred for a person… it’s very difficult to remove yourself from the working…

So here’s the idea… Why not crease a chain loop? Say you successfully curse one person and now their life is in complete hell, and you have another person who needs a switch ass kicking…

Instead of using your own energy, why not, possibly create a link to the original person, and have some sort of feedback loop where they absorb the negative energy from each other, while amplifying it and constantly feeding it to each other… so it doesn’t just get completely siphoned from the original target and relieve them?

Or better yet a “karmic” curse… Have a demon scan the mind/ memories of your target, and pick up on all the other people who has hated and wished ill on this person, and have those thoughts amplified so there is a constant feed from not only yourself but from outside sources

Any holes in this idea?[/quote]

That sounds way too unnecessary and who’s to say one curse will work on another? That’s why you do divination first to make sure what you’re doing is going to be effective. You never know what kind of blocks someone has up or how they’ll handle the attack