I want to know the result of the math test

I’m a med student… My dark night came right before finals.
To combat the lack of focus/food/sleep, I’d try my best to study and then an hour before each exam I used "increase mental focus’ sigil rituals from one of Damon Brand’s books. You still need to study (obviously) but it helped keep a clear mind. There’s also rituals to help retain what you studied.
I also sent energy into each exam paper before starting the exam but I think the sigils would work better for you


Stonehenge, let me just say this. Whether or not predicting the exact future in this way is possible isn’t important here. The important thing to know is that even if it is possible, you absolutely do not have the clairvoyance skills necessary to be able to do it in time for this test of yours, so I would suggest that you start cramming


wtf is this thread :worried:

plus: you need to work on your senses if you want to know your ehm ehm math test results …


Your assertion is uneducated and insulting.

You want magick to be something that it isn’t: a replacement for using your brain. Divination tends to detect probabilities, and chains of cause and effect, it doesn’t exist to save you time performing simple tasks.


As i said before, that is SELF-ILLUSION. If you believe that you have done a “spell” to retain more info or clear your mind, you are going to do so, because of the self suggestion.

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Are you God? Because only an ominscient being would be able to sit there and confidently tell someone else what is in their mind, and what was the result of magick.


I know that for sure, because of that I suggested to work with Vassago. In Ars Goetia is said he has the power to know the past and the future.

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Self illusion is thinking a magic 8 ball will give you answers when really all you need to do is study a bit.
Self illusion is believing that the world is kind enough to help someone who does nothing to help themselves.



If you can’t sustain the affirmation and prove that the “spell” has done its job, but you believe it works, that is IRRATIONAL.

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What do you mean? I don’t understand the sentence above.

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I don’t think anything, I am here to learn. Self illusion is to believe something that has no proves about, like, spells.

I passed all my classes.
I feel I don’t need more proof beyond that.
If you need more proof then you probably don’t believe in your magick


Are you saying that because magick won’t do what you want it to, it doesn’t exist?

Do you apply that to music, when it can’t give you a footrub, or medicine, because sick people sometimes die?

Magick is not fictional, you cannot, at least at the beginner stage, simply write what you want it to be, and it will become that for you, easily and accurately.


I mean that if you can’t prove something you shouldn’t believe it, that is the definition of something irratonal.

I believe in things that I can be sure that is true and work. How do you prove you passed all your classes because of the spell?

You could spend all this time studying…
But so far this suggestion is like.



Honestly, it really doesn’t seem like you are here to learn. You have some really strong opinions on a topic you seem to know very little about. The ars Goetia for example is not literal. While its possible that the entities are holding out on us, most of the time when it for example says “can tell you the location of treasure” it means that the entity can help you get more material wealth, by for example making your business more succesfull, or in some cases winning a scratch ticket. Magic usually works through the path of least resistance.


No, the definition of whether something works is, does it get results that are in line with its model of operation.

One expects a fire extinguisher to put out fires, not play a tune, and it’s not a failed fire extinguisher because it can’t do Beethoven.

Magick operates in specific ways along broadly agreed lines, and if you were nopen to studying, you could learn these.


I am best student in my high school because of magic ( i am studyin law, psychology and art) …how to prove it ? I dont learn much often… i know things spontaneusly because i am working with deities full of knowledges :woman_shrugging:t2: you cant prove magic to someone who doesnt believe in it …


No, I am not talking about that. What I’ve said is: You shouldn’t believe something you cant prove, like, SPELLS.