I want to become the chosen one ☝️

The chosen one should be one who speak in ways for other people to understand lol

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The chosen one has transcended standards of what others think the chosen one is supposed to abide


The chosen one is the chosen one cause he is to lead those that follow the chosen one into victory…

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The chosen one needs to sleep now so goodnight


Thank you

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Perhaps using also some astral projection practices may help. In a dark room, or lowering the light, use a deep and rythmic breathing; concentrate on top of your head and on the little flame of a candle (either physical or maybe even on Youtube). Try it for a week then, also, rope technique: sitting or lying down, imagine a rope above you and to reach out with your astral hands, start climbing and keep doing it. There is some stuff by E. A. in the Legacy section on Soul Travel and in the Newsletter.

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Thank you so much, really you help me. :innocent: :innocent:

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