I promised one offer… is it ok to change my mind and offer something else?

Basically the title. When I evoked one spirit I promised something that now I’m not comfortable giving, after I learned a bit more. The spirit delivered great and I would like to be someone trustworthy. I’m a bit late for the reward but still want to offer something. Would it be ok to offer something different to what I promised during the ritual?

Thanks a lot!


Try speaking to the spirit but it’s not very smart to change the deal especially if you got good results.


Do not change the deal on the spirit. This could anger the spirit and it could seek revenge. If this is a Goetic spirit I can tell you they are very possessive about thier possessions. The spirit may also tell other spirits that you’re no good to work for and then you might have problems getting spirits to respond at all or deliver. I highly advise you not change the deal on the spirit.


I agree completely with @anon25000386. You should be building a reputation with these spirits as someone who is trustworthy, and they will usually return the favor by being trustworthy as well. Offer what you promised (and honestly, a vow is the last thing you want to break when it comes to spirits. That is a one-way ticket to becoming crossed) and then next time do proper research before you promise to offer anything.


Yes sir!


Do not change what you promised, but if you feel the need to add more to the offering, maybe the spirit is requesting more. In that case, ADD whatever you feel is right.


Evoke the spirit and tell the truth. Come up with something that you feel honors the the agreement and do a divination like with a pendulum to find out if the spirit agrees that it’s acceptable would be my advice.


You don’t remember what you promised? I suggest you contact the spirits to ask them for a reminder, or to see if they accept a different offering instead.


I personally keep all my records in my phone on the calendar app. That way I can add the information about what I promised the spirit and when is the pay date. I can even set it with an alarm.

For me it’s vital I keep my word with the spirits.


Well I hope you realize how this puts you in an actionable position. Be careful next time please. Now you’ll have to renegotiate the terms. They probably won’t be favorable. Depends on the spirit and your relationship.

But I’ve been desparate and accepted unfavorable terms just to get what I needed so I understand that


Thanks!!! :hugs:

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This can be very helpful to keep records of all magick performed OP. A journal is really helpful in many ways. Always note down the day, time the ritual was performed, any insights gained, and any results recieved from the working.

For the future, OP, you can give the offering in advance as well. If you follow a system such as DoM, I’d say work with the instructions in the book for now, but otherwise, giving the offering in advance can be rather interesting.

Some of the magicians here such as Connor Kendall have noted that giving blood as an offering seems to enhance the magick itself. So, it may be possible that the spirits are able to use the offering to manifest more strongly in the world for the purpose of magick.

I generally prefer to give offerings in advance, but I do not do so always, and I haven’t necessarily noticed a difference. So it’s difficult to say if they use the offering in that way, but it can be an interesting experiment to try out as well.


Yeah I feel you’re right, specially with good results seems unfair.


I believe it’s extremely dangerous to do this. Tread carefully, on another forum there was this user who posted something similar and did the switcheroo it did not end well. Think about it though you and a contractor enter into a CONTRACT to redo your deck for $5000 no deposit required your new deck is PERFECT but then you turn around and tell him that you now want to pay $3500. How would you feel if you were the contractor?


That’s a very good analogy.


Stick with your initial deal because next time you might get a lousy result from your oetition.
If you used Demons of Magick by Gordon W. then you know how things work.
Don’t promise a thing if you can’t deliver.

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Thank you all very much for your replies guys, and it must have been the first time that all the recommendations are similar, so I’ll not think twice and give exactly what I promised. Next time I’ll promise and give something I feel more comfortable with and that’s all.

I’m super late for this offer, I mean I don’t know all the details of the results but looked like it got delivered already weeks ago. Do you think I should offer something extra as an apology for the delay?

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Aren’t you concerned of if something happens to you and a medic or someone has to go through your phone to try find next of kin to get permission to treat you when you can’t consent they’ll be influenced in how they treat you because of what they read? Or do you lock the notes with a password so it’d be impossible for that to happen without them guessing a password?

My calendar app doesn’t have the password protection option it’s wide open so I wouldn’t stick anything occult related on it. Bad enough kindle doesn’t have password protect but at least I could say I was reading out of curiosity if someone bothered to look at it it’s not as incriminating as recording ritual or magick stuff would be.

If I were to record magick related stuff On my phone I’d put in a password protected note. But that’s just me.

I personally keep all my records in my phone on the calendar app. That way I can add the information about what I promised the spirit and when is the pay date. I can even set it with an alarm.

For me it’s vital I keep my word with the spirits.


Edit note (on post original topic):

I don’t think changing an agreement after the fact is a good idea (if you can’t remember what you agreed to then talk with the being about it and if necessary renegotiate IF they are willing to AFTER explaining the situation to them. Don’t change it without discussing it with the party who will potentially be aggrieved by the change.

*caps on 2 words for emphasis of importance.


I keep my records on paper, but I wouldn’t do it that way if I would live with someone. I think the mobile phone is pretty safe, tho. There’s no way that someone, trying to help you in a medical emergency, would go as deep as checking your notes, maximum would be your contacts. If you have a significant other that knows your password and is not aware of your Magickal activities… well, that’s different :sweat_smile:


I’ve done this a few times by accident, and I’m pretty sure there were no negative consequences. I sometimes think we transfer our (human) value systems to spirits when in actuality, they exist in an entirely different realm and value entirely different things. One time w/ Belial, I promised honor but confused the ritual w/ one I had done with Sallos…so instead of honor, he got a cup of fine black coffee and bitter chocolate.

He wasn’t complaining!