I pissed off angels, and now it’s a constant struggle for my mind - help needed


You get to edgelord and do vast acts of heresy only when you have the experience to know WHY these things are helpful, and when you’re able to take on the responsibility of the thing you have violated.

I shit you not on that one, either, even I was surpised at the long-term side-effects of some blasphmey-based work I did, but I could handle it and transmute it into something even better.


I’m not going to argue about who’s knowledge is true. Your reality is different from mine, you can call me an edge lord spread a rumor around on become a living god I’m not going to care to argue over childish assumptions and I’m no longer going to continue this conversation, you can reply with anger but saying I’m embarrassing myself makes you look like a child. Goodbye

If you know that you’re being harassed, please flag it - even though with my magician/member hat on, I think you’re placing yourself in silly situations you lack the skill to handle, harassment is NEVER permitted, and with mod hat on I will pursue any problems you have. :+1:


I wouldn’t flag harassment ever there’s no point. Someone could say something people could agree ruining my reputation.
Why flag Someone if there’s always going to be someone that wants to be right?agreeableness is a disease in today’s society.
No point on fighting ego that’s the reason I didn’t reply to the others, I will be contradicted or told that I’m not taking advice.
If a person Assumes something People will agree based on there beliefs. Beliefs isn’t called a belief for no reason it’s because a belief isn’t factual. A fact is real.
I won’t argue with someone’s egotistical assumptions based on how someone interprets what I say off of ego.
People interpret off of selfish egotistical ways.
What a person says is correct to that person people will agree because most people don’t look to obliterate the ego. Whatever backs up a persons belief is how they will react.
That’s why people argue because they are arguing over who’s reality is right.
Sally can start an argument with dean about ignoring her. Deans grandpa died and he wasn’t going to argue with her hangs up tells her to leave him alone.
That validates her beliefs. I’m not good with words. so if I’m not making much sense it’s because I am not good with words. Which is why I kept trying to explain it a different way

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If you’re actually being harassed that’s against the rules, period, there is no metaphysical exemption (ie., “That is magickally correct”) involved.

If you won’t take advice given in general though, you’ll never learn, and there’s no harassment in this thread, it’s just that you obviously have a problem created by your own actions and inexperience, and are refusing to take on board the advice given to you by experienced magicians.

Please read this. :+1:


You cannot obliterate the ego… Its, metaphorical

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Just like when I talked about becoming a psychopath. There were people saying to do it a different way not to persue psychopathy. People not believing it’s possible
I can make myself into a Psychopath, I’ve learned how to do it.
It’s a neurological disorder The brain can change with loneliness anger hate, personality disorders are created from trauma, someone can have anger be rebellious get conduct disorder because of the no empathy no guilt.
People claim to be good parents and enforce rules and do not learn to truly understand there child to do research to prevent a personality disorder.
I don’t expect you or anybody to believe psychopathy is a neurological disorder that can be manipulated so one becomes a psychopath.

Ya I won’t fight with morals with what society has deemed as correct. I’ve spent my life looking at every point of view. People believe what they want.
I don’t want to continue the conversation.
I have anger because I spoke up to how I feel about society. Using Fear as a way or control ignoring ones true feelings. I’ve spent a long time trying to get people to be true to themselves.
To see the truth that they can’t see.
I tried to help people I came to find out people don’t want the truth.
People dispise the truth.
People are Christians yet they cry at a funeral and develop depression. I believe that People cry over someone’s death because they don’t truly believe what the Bible teaches. They just tell themselves they believe but crying is what contradicts it. If I would of known what I know today about life and death I would of never been cried like someone I loved died. I didn’t lose the her she never died.

I believe you can maim yourself enough to end up in prison, since you obviously already have the “cannot foresee punishing consequences” part of psychopthy down pat. :+1:

Psychopaths are incarcerated at high levels because learning from negative stimuli that come about as a consequence never develops for them, on a very deep level.

They’d cry as hard if the person left for a different country and they lost all contact. :thinking:

Or if the person left a marriage and was no longer there. It has nothing to do with not believing their loved one is safe and well on a spiritual level.

We cry from the LOSS, the bereavement, I do a lot of work with spirits and I still cry when someone dies, even a pet, even if I’m in contact with them right away.


Lol maybe they just miss that person my dude :man_shrugging: Not everything is about religion.You sound so judging when you were against it like 3 posts ago, whats up?


Nothing I’m just sick of being deemed wrong and ignored off of people, I get attacked by moralistic humans every single day if I speak my feelings. I am right about lots of the things I say. And if I’m wrong I find out I was wrong and that’s it.
I am more connected with my Demonic nature because the fact that I connected with my psychopathic nature. This is a waste of my time and energy I could say something we could go all night typing you getting stuff wrong about me
If I’m not on point to your comprehension and if it affects your ego attacking your beliefs your morals if I don’t say it properly I will be deemed wrong called rude and agreeableness will happen. That’s exactly why I don’t like speaking how I really feel about people. They get defensive there feelings matter over mine. Plus I don’t have much feelings it doesn’t mean I don’t have loneliness and feel horrible because if I don’t absorb myself in darkness. I feel intense tiredness that doesn’t go away.
Feeling dead inside being able to not care no guilt transition into a psychopath through intense dark energy is better than having intense tiredness that doesn’t go away at all. No amount of sleep does it for me if I care.

That could be fixed without maiming your psyche by giving yourself a mental problem that’s likely to land you in jail. :thinking:

Let me share something:

"If you met an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole.

If you meet assholes all day, YOU’RE the asshole."

Little quote to ponder upon. :wink:


Psychopathy is traditionally a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits. It is sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy.

Man I believe there’s levels to this shit… If you can get to a point where you gain full control of your actions(that is, not causing any physical, harm to someone else) then you’re on a, path to becoming guru… I won’t really condom you that much man…

After all a bit of psychopathy is, needed to slip into the ‘reptillian’ consciousness… It all boils down to how much “control” you Gain over the selves you created… So let nothing stop you… Just don’t ACT dumb


Condemn* FUCK

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It only become a mental problem when you lose control bro…
I know of magicians who use a lot of hardcore drugs that would otherwise, make most people go nuts… And still have a strong sense of self… And mentally fit and stable.

Fact is beneath these shells of bodies we are really different things and beings.

So if bringing bits of psychopathic traits in your magickal workings gives you an edge… Then why not… Its a vital ingredient for you…

Again I now understand why you said "you’re not good with words "…yes I think you have a bit of an issue of how you relay what is within you… But I can discern what you think.

And if my intuition is correct then trust me… Most people here are on the same boat with you. So just chill you’re in the right place. There’s no one fighting you.

Most people here are familiar with cursing… Hexing… Being introverts… Again its the amount of control you have over these “aspects” of self


False when you have given all you have, and are willing to die literally for those around you. given Any circumstance, let’s say the wife cheats, you don’t get angry, you look at her as a child of the source as we all are and forgive her without ever throwing mud in her face. Ego death. If your child is ripped from your arms yet you don’t fight because you know she is a child of light born not as my child but a child of the world ego death.

Stop playing a victim, ignore what’s unhelpful, meditate study your planets, accept all as advice. Must be nothing inside your mind as good or bad.


Also buy her an ice cream :+1: Summer is hot, we don’t want the machine get overheated.

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Did that too lmao. We are all of us children before the Divine growth is in accepting other peoples shortcomings, accepting that nothing is owned or yours, ego death