I need some guidance

I’m new to this. In every sense of the word. I’ve never practiced magick before in my life.

What I’m most interested in is shape shifting.

With that being said, can any of you point me in the right direction? Tell me where I should start.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

I know I won’t see the results I want over night, and I know that I need to start from the ground up.

I just want to know where a good starting place is. What books I should read, people I can ask for help when needed, etc.

Welcome to the forum Benefactor!

Magick is a beautiful art, science, way of life and totally effective!

Shape-shifting is an Advanced skill. You will first need to master visualization, become aware of your own energy then become aware of other forms of energy such as sun light. I consider Shape-shifting a Shamanic skill.

I recommend…

  1. Meditation with Visualization and Emotion
  • Visualizing and feeling light coming into your body from the earth or sky
  • So for example, close your eyes and remember a time when you were on the beach, truly get the feeling of the suns warmth on your body, the smell of the salt water ocean, the feeling of the sand. When this clicks and you feel it, let that sunlight enter your body, like try breathing it in or just allowing it to penetrate your being.
  • Do this daily till you feel and see the light so powerfully that you can’t tell the difference between your imagined beach and the real beach.
  • It is a neurophysiological fact that your mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and imagined, therefore it reacts the exact same way to an intense visualization as it does to an actual physical experience.
  1. Visualize Animals or Elements of Nature
  • Say you want to feel like a Lion. All you have to do is tune into its vibrational state. You can do this by looking at a picture of a lion and thinking of what it would be like to have fur all over your body. What would it be like to feel muscles as solid as rocks yet elastic as rubber bands. What would it be like to look through a lions eyes. How would you walk if you were a lion. You must do this until you can feel these characteristics in your own body.
  • This will have the exact same effect as the above visualization where you will feel like a lion on all levels and begin to take on the characteristics of a lion, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically.
  • You will feel aggression yet nothing to prove, strong yet fast on your feet, primal, hairy, ancient, confident etc.
  • This will literally make you appear as a Lion to others Spiritually and it will also effect everyone else subconsciously with thoughts of how strong, independent and confident you are.
  • You can also do this with Fire, Water, Earth, Air and the millions of creatures and plants within nature. Follow the exact same process above and you will start feeling fiery, or watery and receptive, or airy and enlightened, or earthy and solid in everything you do. Again, others will pick up on this subconsciously and respond according to the energy your putting out.

[quote=“Satori Diavolo, post:2, topic:4027”]Welcome to the forum Benefactor!

Magick is a beautiful art, science, way of life and totally effective!

Shape-shifting is an Advanced skill. You will first need to master visualization, become aware of your own energy then become aware of other forms of energy such as sun light. I consider Shape-shifting a Shamanic skill.

I recommend…

  1. Meditation with Visualization and Emotion
  • Visualizing and feeling light coming into your body from the earth or sky
  • So for example, close your eyes and remember a time when you were on the beach, truly get the feeling of the suns warmth on your body, the smell of the salt water ocean, the feeling of the sand. When this clicks and you feel it, let that sunlight enter your body, like try breathing it in or just allowing it to penetrate your being.
  • Do this daily till you feel and see the light so powerfully that you can’t tell the difference between your imagined beach and the real beach.
  • It is a neurophysiological fact that your mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and imagined, therefore it reacts the exact same way to an intense visualization as it does to an actual physical experience.
  1. Visualize Animals or Elements of Nature
  • Say you want to feel like a Lion. All you have to do is tune into its vibrational state. You can do this by looking at a picture of a lion and thinking of what it would be like to have fur all over your body. What would it be like to feel muscles as solid as rocks yet elastic as rubber bands. What would it be like to look through a lions eyes. How would you walk if you were a lion. You must do this until you can feel these characteristics in your own body.
  • This will have the exact same effect as the above visualization where you will feel like a lion on all levels and begin to take on the characteristics of a lion, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically.
  • You will feel aggression yet nothing to prove, strong yet fast on your feet, primal, hairy, ancient, confident etc.
  • This will literally make you appear as a Lion to others Spiritually and it will also effect everyone else subconsciously with thoughts of how strong, independent and confident you are.
  • You can also do this with Fire, Water, Earth, Air and the millions of creatures and plants within nature. Follow the exact same process above and you will start feeling fiery, or watery and receptive, or airy and enlightened, or earthy and solid in everything you do. Again, others will pick up on this subconsciously and respond according to the energy your putting out.[/quote]This was actually really helpful…

And it’s funny that you used lion as an example. I used to always think of myself as more of a wolf. I would describe myself as an alpha without a pack, so to speak. Or a wolf in sheep’s clothing (in the sense that I can blend in, but I’ll never actually be a part of the “normal” world).

I used to think this of myself until recently when someone said something strange. She said I might have been a “wolf” at some point in the past, but I needed to let go of that. That I was more of a lion than a wolf, in her eyes at least.

She claimed she could see it.

Something about being able to see the shape and color of my energy/aura.

I didn’t really take her seriously.

But it’s funny you said lion, because more and more I’m noticing similarities.

Edit: Just in case there’s the odd chance that someone here knows something about the whole energy thing, it was amber. My color. Not sure what that means… Maybe someone can shed some light.

If I shapeshift you can call me “Papa Bear”, welcome to the forums do-gooder