I need a scan

Im in need af being scaned, due to recently I have been feeling an as to say an “off” energy surrounding me, as I have very little skill I require someone, if they could, to scan me and let me know there findings.

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this is my second time scanning, i am not at all an expert.
when i focused i saw a fast moving train and then the train morphed into a snake. the snake’s head as the buds of a flower and it had leaves all around the head of the snake. the head of the snake was in pain. it was shouting in agony. it was hurting.
i also see a weird shaped butterfly flying around.

Could you describe the off feeling? Eg. Is it a sickness, are you tired, have your astral senses felt weaker etc. ?

Its like my astral energy is pulling in on it self if that helps @Biffa_Bacon