I’m loosing brain cells thinking of this..lol

So! I just thought of something. Remember in doctor strange it shows him reading a book while in astral projection? I wonder if that’s possible and to retain the information when you woke up as if you read a book in the physical. But now the brain melting idea…is it possible to meditate inside the astral realm? Like think about this…you go into AP… and inside your astral temple you’re sitting there and what if, you repeated the astral projection technique that you did to leave your body but this time doing it again inside the astral…what would happen🤔 is that how you ascend to different planes lol

What are your guy’s opinions on this?

Maybe you should start a journal, instead of making a new post for every random thought that pops up. You do not seem to be posing any questions seeking answers or looking to start discussion on a topic.


I agree with this. It will also keep them
All together so you can lol back on them over the years. We can even merge all the posts into one of you would like.


O sorry, I’m a very active thinker…I’ll definitely have to try this soul travel idea tho…Idek if I’ll be wasting my time… maybe I’ll just shoot back in my body. I feel my experience trying it should be an interesting post🤔

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And I should have added what do you guys think of ur opinions so this was meant to be a question my bad

Which would be an even better reason for you to start a journal so you can have all of your thoughts collected together in one place vs a post created several times a day, especially when the answers to some of the questions or " what ifs"posted can be found by doing a forum search.