I’m an amateur boxer, is there any spirits that can help me train harder?

Beelzebub. He’s got a stoic rage that’s powerful but calculated and deliberate. Perfect for martial arts.


Perfect I feel comfortable with beezlebub except I heard rumor sometimes he doesn’t hold up his promises, is this true? I guess it also depends on the individual working with him.

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He is very kind though from speaking to him

Bull. Shit. . . If anything, he holds vows and contracts to utmost seriousness. He’s big on deeds and respect. And that hit right off the bat when I met him. He’s like a martial God-Father kind of figure. He’ll see to it that you’re taken care of. But when he demands something of you. . . you best listen.

He is wise and polite. But he carries an obvious vibe of wrath that he hold back when conversing and working. It can cause trigger agitation if it lingers around during your day and spark confrontation between people if grounding is not done. But in martial arts, that comes naturally.


Yeah I thought so, someone said in quotes “beezlebub is an ass he doesn’t hold up to his promises” I hate people who are disrespectful like that.

I tell people like this that I think it’s wise you watch who you’re talking about, however I think he couldn’t care less of someone’s silly negative false opinion on him.

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Im guilty of disrespecting spirits in the past myself, I would say its simply good business that you dont disrespect or offend those who are doing you a favor.

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Or not to mention the fact they are far more powerful then one can comprehend. Except I feel these beings since they’re so ancient they can control there emotions a lot better then us.

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Forgot to ask, I’m sure beezlebub can help with technique as that’s what I want, but can he also help in muscle growth to benefit for the sport? I obviously know I’m not gonna wake up the next day after evocation and be ripped but what I’m asking is would he essentially make me work harder thus developing the necessary muscle growth for the sport of combat as well You think?

Speaking of Ullr, his stepdad Thor is also one to call on.

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You want spirits of war? Archangel Michael

Satan for rage

Belial for strength

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I decided to be trained with assistance of beezlebub but thanks though.

And fun fact guys if you’re reading this I’m highly repelled away from anything to do with archangels for some reason. I always been pulled toward demons.

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Asmodeus may be a good one for muscle growth, fighting and giving you a real determination to put your all into every workout. I’ve beaten personal records with his help, he is strong and very intense, he’s an absolute warrior. You do have to keep a reign on your temper though, you may feel it is a bit shorter than usual.


Wait so asmodai can help not only with muscle growth but also combat? Does he actually speed up the growth on top of making you work harder? Because my body type builds muscle but very slowly, a bit slower then others

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So my question is can he make my muscle grow faster then it normally does or is it just him making me work even harder

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I don’t have muscular dystrophy or anything just my muscle growth is a lot slower then normal, so I’m wondering if he can make it build up to normal pace or even faster

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Not really sure how he does it, though he will help with muscle gain independently of getting you to push yourself harder in workouts. Everyone has got a different style of working out that works for them, try different stuff like slow negatives, extending sets through rest-pause, changing the frequency of your training, etc, switch it up but let your fighting training take precedence as it’s what you’re training for.


Alright thank you sir!

Beelzebub helps accelerate muscle healing and even change certain features of a person like weight. He’s known to be a healer through vitality and consuming illness from someone. He’s done this through direct contact before with me. He can instill a drive to labor more intensely. So yes, he’ll provoke you to desire harder training and help accelerate muscle growth.


Mars/Ares to hone skill.

Asmodeus to develop skill beyond anything previously thought attainable.

Belial to assist you in rising through the ranks.

Cimeries to give you the discipline of a soldier.

Other entities, genius spirits, angels, or simple sigils, none of which I can recall but plenty of which I’ve seen, to assist you in a business venture or to make people (judges) look on you more favourably.