I have become a living G— mess

Happy New Year everyone!

In between a move across the country, seasonal blahness affecting my mood and energy, and the lack of sleep that comes with a 7 month old baby I feel like I haven’t progressed at all lately.

I had these high hopes for myself that I’d kick into gear and for about a month or so I did well and then… Not so much.

So since it’s the beginning of the new year I would like to kick my own ass and stop STOPPING!

So how do you guys maintain a good balance between regular mundane life and your magick? What are some good practices I can squeeze into the routine I’m building for myself and my baby that I can do while he’s napping or content entertaining himself? And how do you get out of these funks that I’ve been finding myself in regularly?

Since I am still learning and love to read and study up on anything interesting you can also drop some good YT videos, podcasts. Anything new you’ve been enjoying. I need to find my motivation again because I feel like it’s very easy to slip back into being a lazy ass :roll_eyes: don’t eat me alive here, I’m just tired y’all :sob:

Or if any of my fellow mothers on here can give me some tips and tricks on how the hell they manage being super mom while giving themselves a break WHILE practicing magick, that would be GREATLY appreciated.

So here’s to a better year and hoping that having a better environment and home can help me get on the right track!

Sending you all the best wishes for this year :sparkles::heartpulse:


I really like the Glitch Bottle channel on yt.

Vitamin D supplements really work as well with the seasonal blues. And just not being too hard on yourself :slight_smile:


Progress doesn’t mean it always goes at the same speed.
Balance means sometimes the focus is on magic, sometimes it’s on the mundane. That’s normal.
Moving, having a baby…you are pretty busy.
Don’t be so hard on yourself and appreciate all the small things you do, the small steps you are taking.
You don’t need to squeeze in 2 hours of daily meditation or something like that. Be proud of what you are doing.

And honestly:

When he’s napping, take some rest. Drink a cup of tea. Read a book. Take a nap yourself. That’s your meditation.


Perfect, I’ll check it out! I need some new stuff to watch. Thanks :blush:

@Mulberry @anon10524665
Oh goodness :sob: I appreciate both of your replies so much honestly! I’m the worlds biggest bitch and I will shed some tears cuz I think I needed to hear that lol. Thank you! Guess it’s hard to not get mad at myself when I see everyone talk about how much they fit into a day while I’m over here like, “I showered today so…” :joy:


You fed your baby, you changed his diapers, you endured his crying, you gave him love. you managed being a mom.
That’s not nothing. That’s a lot.


Depending on your daily schedule there is a good chance that you can exercise your magick “muscles” while doing mundane stuff. For example reading energies of people or structures or sounds can be done while you’re out and about (for example while grocery shopping or while taking a walk and you don’t have to rely too heavily on staying focused on one task. Don’t scan and drive, haha. Seriously, that shit can be dangerous.). Same goes for intuition training like guessing numbers etc.

Do you have to beat waiting time in between appointments or such? Great, instead of scrolling social media or whatever flip out a book about magick that is of interest for you. Even if its only five or ten minutes: you’ve been able to educate yourself in theory about something that is of interest for you. Well done.

Yeah and if you trace some of these peoples stories back they’ve struggled in a similar way (or sometimes still do). Sometimes its about “riding the wave” as long as it feels comfortable and manageable and sometimes these time frames differ in size. I think that most of us people on here are no actual hermits on a lonely mountain with nothing else to do than magick :smiley:


Truth. What about playing the podcasts, as long the the topic stays kid appropriate, in the background when you’re playing with the little one?

It’s a good thing to let babies hear as many different phonemes as they can get while the language centers are still wide open, it’ll help him be good at languages later. It’s not a bad idea to play songs in other languages as well, like French and German etc, and he’ll be able to hear the non English sounds much easier and pronounce them better, and you get some variety.


You are 100% correct. Thank you. I guess I don’t think about it in that way and it’s more like I just do it. If that makes sense. I genuinely appreciate this, thank you :heartpulse:

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Ah, great ideas! I’ve also been trying to do a daily tarot pull. A card of the day type of thing to at least give myself something to think on which is helping. Thanks! :blush:

No no, it’s when I see the “I went to work, hit the gym, mediated, and then did a ritual before bed” and I go… WELL SHIT😂 but no, I get it.
It’s more of a, I need to stop basing how I’m doing on what I see others doing when it comes down to it. I know everyone has been in similar situations. It’s just when we’re there it feels so stagnant sort of. Like there goes the time and I’m just letting it haha. So thank you for some ideas that I’ll be able to do when we’re out and about!


Yess, he loves listening to music already while he’s playing so I think we’d both enjoy that. Anything would be better than my true crime videos I play while he’s trying to enjoy life lmao :joy:

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You know, thats exactly the reason why I stay away from social media. Because it makes me feel like shit, you can’t help but compare your own stuff to what others are putting out as their daily achievements. (We are looking at ourselves and our own achievements with eyes of unkindness a lot in general, I think)

Don’t compare your pace and your learning style to what others are doing. I did that A LOT in the beginning and it made me feel so dumb and overall unsuccessful compared to XY.


Yeah both developmentally and magickally, the baby brain can store away that negative stuff and it can affect how their personality develops even though they don’t know why. People shouting and screaming is scary and he won’t know it’s not really there with him,or that it’s not actually a normal part of every day life. It creeps into the soul and lodges a message no therapist will ever find out.

I’d keep anything adult like that as far away from the kiddo as possible, he needs to feel safe to grow up strong. You’re his protector, so you want to protect him from that too.


Exactly. I’ve been avoiding it for a while now. Half of the people are faking their lives anyways so that always makes me feel better. I’m getting better at making peace with how I’m doing and where I’m at right now but I feel like it’s a human thing to do, to look around sometimes and feel semi bad when you’re not as far. But :woman_shrugging:t4: I’m trying and that’s all I can do.

I appreciate your replies. Thank you.


We’ve been traveling and my boyfriend will listen to it over the radio with him in the back and now I’m gonna have to wack him in the head. He’s always said the baby doesn’t pay attention when I go, “do you think he’s gonna turn into one of these people since we’re always playing these videos?” :neutral_face::sob:

It’s cartoons and educational videos only from now on until he’s asleep in his room.

It’s not the only thing he hears now that I’ve made us sound like bad parents :eyes: :sob: but it is probably on too much since we both like horror movies and documentaries on true crime. Poor little guy :tired_face:

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Yeah I was an attachment parent so my baby always came first. The bf can easily catch up on his grizzly entertainment on his own time, but he’s not being fair to not listen to you as his mother, sounds like he’s trying to override your instincts, and that’s very uncool.


I think that once you’ve found “your” thing (maybe its divination? maybe its energy work? maybe its being cool with herbs or ceremonial magick or maybe you’re a chaote at heart?) it will feel less like a “Damn, how am I supposed to manage this stuff with my daily obligations?” and you won’t pressure yourself so much anymore. Because at some point it will be more fun and less a “I should do this” nagging kind of feeling in the back of your head.


Yeah, it’s more like his mom thinks I overreact about most things and said “he was fine” so :roll_eyes: we do our best though. We’re both getting more used to watching children movies and listening to music. Just being more mindful of things we never really had to before if that makes sense.

I assumed I was being a little dramatic about it as well really but I’m glad to know I wasn’t.

We both have older family members who do the whole, “well you know I did this and that and it wasn’t bad” so trying to find our own footing being new parents has a been a little bit of a challenge. But thank you for the input! Our tv and YouTube are about to be put on a parental lock :relieved: so I can’t put anything on either lol.

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You can always use earbuds for listening. My son doesn’t want to listen to grownup talks about philosophy at his age anyway.


Thanks all! Appreciate the feedback :heart:

You just had the biggest miracle life can give. These funks might just be some light postpartum. It’s absolutely okay to not always be moving and relax and be okay with just being at times. Be gentle and understanding with yourself. Sometimes you’re kicking butt and takin names and it looks like standing still because we live in it every day. Hugs and Love Momma!!