I Had A Strange Dream About Lucifer

Tonight i dreamt there was a spirit calling himself Koetmao he told me that he wanted to prove to me that lucifer is a liar and evil. i told told him that i have not even heard lucifer yet cause i still cant hear spirits, so of course im not gonna trust you. and then lucifer came in and said to koetmao something like, if you hate love you hate fear.
and then koetmao did something and woke me up

It could be a random dream from your subconscious.

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I was thinking either a subconscious created dream OR maybe a parasite was trying to make you think Lucifer was evil or something, and then Lucifer came and responded to the Koetmao being.

I find this likely as his response was related to the Koetmao trying to convince you of negative things vs what Lucifer is/said.

If this is a subconsciously created dream, another thought is the dialogue and Koernao might represent some aspect/part of you that doesn’t trust others/ or even Lucifer himself? And perhaps Lucifer’s message (whether it was REALLY him or not) was geared TOWARDS you instead.

The real meaning, is up to you to decide.


ye i definitely think its a dream from my subconscious


Maybe it’s nothing. Most probably it’s just a random dream.

However, if that other being is an actual spirit, it’s probably someone who you shouldn’t trust. Maybe just a parasyte.

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Lucifer is EVIL and do are you. Take pride in that

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And so are you*

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Most dreams are a play put together by the subconscious, evil and good are products created by humanity and then made into entertainment. While Lucifer is like any being and can toy with you if he feels like it, always take a dream with a grain of salt when we think it has meaning 9/10 it doesn’t have one lol.


I do hope you are being sarcastic


(Koet)mao, (Koet)ting.

I once had a dream where I was in a botched version of prehistoric Earth. There was a huge Earthquake then King Belial showed up as an unidentified metal object. He gave me two words of advice, one which I forgot after woke up and the other was something I already knew. Literally nothing but a brew from my subconscious.

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