I Finished Binding the 72 of the Ars Goetia!

Just called up Flauros.

The resource I was using to find his enn and everything was using the name Huares, but in his enn, it says Flauros. In any case, he came as called, and it went smoothly.

Here’s the ring.


It’s even more real than last time, so fresh so clear. Slight black/red/blue aura as well

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I’m proud to see how far you’ve come.

The only thing that irritates is how many times you have to tell people “It never was about the ring.” I mean, come on. There’s more to your work, than the ring. That’s just a vessel to use to get it done. You know what I mean?

Keep me posted. And, if you don’t mind, maybe I could message you some time, and you can help with the Goetia. But, it’s up to you.

I love watching you work. It’s great to see how dedicated you are. :slight_smile:

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The ring is a good barometer for how far things are progressing though.

I post here immediately after each evocation, so it’s not hard to keep track of things because of that.
And feel free to shoot me a PM if you have questions for me.

Frankly, I’m sick of the daily evocations. Can’t wait for them to be over because it’s a pain in the ass sometimes when other things are going on.


So I just called up Andrealphus.

It went smoothly. The only thing of note is that I’m getting sick a little, but that is unrelated, it just makes focusing on the rites a bit more annoying.

Here’s the ring.


Just finished my evocation of Cimejes/Kimaris.

Went well, nothing really of note except how bloody fucking hard it was to find the proper info with the enn and everything. The spellings are so weird and different between sources.

In any case, here’s the ring.


Today is another day of rest, then I have one last week of evocations. Only six remain.


Just called up Amdusias.

It went well. He had a sky accent to the way he talked, like a shady French jester. It was kinda fitting actually, when you think about his domain of power.

In any case, here is the ring once more.

I only have 5 more to go.


Just called up Belial.

Went well. It’s hard to explain what his energies felt like… But they felt interesting. In any case, only four more evocations before I’m finished. Although I’m probably going to be doing a closing rite at the end of it all on Sunday.

Here’s the ring.


So today I will be calling up Decarabia. And then I’ll only have three more evocations left.

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I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to close my operation.

I know it will involve calling up all 72 at the same time, but I’m not entirely certain as to what end, besides reaffirming their service or something.

As I write this, the path clears before me and I can see what I must do, but only the first few steps and end result, not the middle steps.


Just called up and bound Decarabia.

It went well. Nothing super spectacular as far as the evocation and binding. As the end of this operation comes closer, I start seeing what my next steps will be in my practice, and I see myself growing even farther than I could have imagined when I started out on my path. In any case, only 3 more evocations to go.

Here’s the ring once more.


Just finished my evocation of Seere.

It went well, nothing too special. If I’m being honest, his power just felt like another drop in the bucket, but it could partially be because 9f some of the stuff I’ve been doing in preparation for my next big thing that I will be doing. In any case, I’ve only got two more evocations left before the closing rites.

Here’s the ring once more.


As I look at the ring I can see the beings expand out and then arc in a circle formation. Makes my third eye buzz. Knowing theres only 2 more evocations to go, then that circuit will be connected.

Previous picture has the same effect but slightly less pressure on my third eye.

Thinking about that end result makes my third eye feel like its going to explode. Good work brother.

That ring definitely has its own aura and is building you up for greater things. Be interesting to see the end result.


Honestly, with some of the preliminary work that I’ve been doing the last few days towards my next big working has me feeling like the ring is weak… I know it’s not weak, and it feels heavy, but it seems as if it’s relatively weak to me… it’s hard to explain.

Like, try comparing a full-sized pickup truck to a transport helicopter. It’s a matter of scale and scope…


Your only doing the 72 spirits? Have you worked with any others?

Dude, have you ever heard of the Lesser Key? The 72 djinn bound by Solomon himself, if you believe the stories. They are strong spirits.

You would believe that I would only work with them. Dude, I’ve worked with angels of the 72 letter name and the 42 letter name, several of the archangels, some local spirits, Tiamat herself, and a few other spirits.

Don’t insult me by failing to understand what I am accomplishing here.


No it’s great I believe in them I’ve just had experience with a few other spirits who are powerful as well so are the 72 yes I’ve read kos I’ve personally never had any luck summoning a spirit 2 decided to come to me and there quite powerful one I hear alot about is azazel I was just wondering if you knew him or others I meant no disrespect what your doing is amazing

been following this post since you began. Very inspirational. I feel inclined to do a binding quest myself with the 72. I love seeing the rings energy change each time you post. Very powerful stuff. Thank you for keeping us all updated and hope the rest of this goes smoothly for you, i look forward to your upcoming posts. :grinning:


Thanks man.

I wouldn’t recommend binding like I am though, unless your path leads that way. It’s not exactly easy, and there’s a lot of work that goes into it, not to mention the fact that if they don’t want to be bound, they will fight against it.