I feel like I'm going insane

Sounds like you’re living in your own head a lot, try picking up some new form of exercise, and commit to a progression by this time next week, or go for a long walk, or do something physical, that you can complete, and to take that focus off your inner chatter and mental state.

Getting trapped with the cray-cray in your own skull is a real hazard for magicians, you need that balance of healthy outdoorsy/physical stuff along with the demons in your secret dark mental recesses…


Yeah I really just need to go for a walk but it’s 3am

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Also question say I were to become famous? Would that attract entities to me and possibly cause the bigger guys like lucifer and lillith to pay attention?

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meditate on what you should do. Let me know what you’ve decided!

Ground yourself… Learn to pull yourself back.[quote=“dagar, post:20, topic:14262”]
Ain’t got a gaurdian​:joy:

Lies.[quote=“dagar, post:15, topic:14262, full:true”]
What if I come out and don’t like who I become?

The sooner you silence yourself and accept yourself, the easier things get.

He needs to learn to silence the inner chatter himself. In all honesty I doubt they’ll do anything.


I always felt like those kinds of entities needed an empty shell so to speak. Someone thirsty, humble, etc. Just my opinion though, i haven’t interacted with them.

How do I find my gaurdian?

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No excuses, but if you want to sit around finding your mental farts intriguing, then go right ahead.


You don’t need them to silence your thoughts. You merely need to distract the monkey.

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Wait what about silencing thoughts?

Insanity, from my upg with Azathoth, is the dark side of knowledge, just to share that.

From my perspective, you think you’re going insane because your thoughts are pestering you. Silence the mind. Distract the monkey.


let into it if you feel you’re ready

Alright lol. In regards to this thread I’m gonna go to sleep. Hopefully I will get this shitty side of me killed soon :sweat_smile: Sorry for the drama or whatever the fuck I just had


Silencing thoughts isn’t anything huge. That’s how one meditates but it even isn’t silencing your thoughts. To silence them, from my experience, is to not engage them.


(Crawls back into hole so as not to pester anyone)



clicks tongue lures out with tasty cheese

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Dammit I’m not a mou-cheese?

Alright I’m going to bed now guys ty for all the help (ps go on being cooler than a lot of ppl I know )


Exercise, cold shower if possible, bed - most people don’t have quality thoughts any time after being awake 12 - 14 hours, even “night owls.”