I feel like I'm going insane

From my mom praying for me to love god to being horny to thinking I’m in a spirit relationship that I CANT VERIFY to everything I feel like I’m going to ducking rip my own head off and can’t do anything about it


8 hours of sleep. Meditation, healthy diet, and especially try a banishing ritual



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Do you have an entities that you have close contact with? Perhaps ask them for help? When did these feelings start?

Currently just wondering why I even try😂 Seems to always come back to this. What keeps me going is that it must have a purpose

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I don’t know lol I assume it started when I said to lillith and lucifer turn my life over and set me on the right path

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Perhaps you should submit to it? Maybe it will further your ascension?

To the insanity?

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Yes. You know your limits more than anyone

Sorry for posting all my shit😂

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Eh I don’t mind. That’s what we’re here for. Personally I would meditate on aspect of Lilith, feel her energy, focus on the thoughts of losing yourself, embrace them. Meditate on those feelings and rushes of energy, simply let it overtake you. See what happens?

So basically meditate on lillith?

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Yes and most importantly embrace, and let the insanity consume you temporarily, if you feel you’re ready. Although please remember I’m a novice myself. Personally I feel like it has more power to it than you can currently see. I believe it’s something’s way of opening the door for you.

What if I come out and don’t like who I become?

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Learn to live with it, accept it, embrace it, adjust, and know it’s the price perhaps?

Alright guess imma say fuck it

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And in the eternal words of Gordon Ramsay FUCK ME also WHERRRRRRESSS THE LAMMMMMMB SAYYUUUUCCC

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It’s all on you bro. I feel you should contact your guardian first, and meditate on the intention of the “insanity”

Ain’t got a gaurdian😂

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