I don’t know what happened but maybe you do?

I was supposed to sleep with a few youtube videos running all night. They added up to around nine hours which is how much I’ve slept.
(It was about meditation and frequencies)

The playlist I made was still running when I woke up. I didn’t really check more than that since I had to go to the bathroom but when I got back to my room and checked my phone the playlist was only three hours in.

How could that be? It was still playing when I woke up so I’m confused as to why it wasn’t the last video playing by now.
I mean the only thing I could think of is a ghost pausing the video after three hours then starting it again when I wake up but I don’t think so😂 or myself doing it in my sleep but it is extremely unlikely.


I think lots of devices check the camera to see if anyone is lookinh from time to time. My wife’s tablet does the same type of thing.
A snooping camera isn’t really better than a ghost though :ghost:


Wait what do you mean check the camera to see if someone is looking?

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Probably not. The phone has software that knows when you’re looking at it. At least, some phones have that.


It could be you accidentally rolled onto your phone while you were fast asleep.


my phone wasn’t in my bed and I couldn’t pause it unless I turn my phone around since I always put it with the screen down.
I’ve had youtube videos playing all night before so I was surprised why it hadn’t been playing all night like every other time.


Does anyone else live with you? If so, is it possible they may have paused it while you were sleeping?


I have similar things happen with electronics everyday. My lights will flicker, ill sit next to a massage chair and it turns on by itself, my phone will completely glitch out for no reason. People notice it too, i really believe spirits/entities use electronics as a form or communication. Ive had music start blaring out of nowhere at exactly 3am, cords ripped out of the wall. So much shit incolving spirits and electronics. My best advice if you have a spirit messing with your stuff, welcome the spirit and communicate with it. Be friendly and dont feed with fear. Call the spirit out in a meditative state and talk to it.


There’s no way. I live with my brother and my dad. They would never just walk in my room to pause the video. But the thing is that it was still playing when I woke up that’s why I’m trying to figure this out. It’s weird.
It was most likely playing for three hours then stopped and started playing probably just moments before I checked my phone to see if it was still playing. But no one would come in my room just to pause it then come back just before I wake up to start the playlist again.
I would most likely wake up if someone opened my door since it’s an old house and I usually wake up if someones opening the door.

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a spirit or spirits? I’d rather not have uninvited guests in my room. I’m one of those who loves the paranormal but hates it at the same time.
I want to experience paranormal but at the same time not because it scares the living crap out of me.

Are you sure you only got 3 hours of sleep instead of the 9? I have been going through a lot of time jumps myself. I always know what time it is before checking my phone when I wake up. It feels like 3 hours have past only 8 minutes as.

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Could have paused to buffer. A lot.


@Angeela could be one, but maybe more. I know my bedroom has several. You could always sage to clear and neutralize the area.

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I slept around nine hours because I went to bed around ten and woke up around 7am but I guess I can’t be sure. Maybe I did only sleep three hours and I jumped forward in time lol

I think @Anziel_Merkaba may be right. There was lots of bad weather recently (in the US) & often times that slows or even pauses streaming. I tend to lean towards mundane solutions until I rule them out. Occam’s Razor & all that.

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I don’t remember if it was bad weather here in Sweden that night

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