I cant stop possessing people

Actually youd be killing yourself

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And id think about getting a gun if i were you


So I thought

Possession goes both ways if you possess someone and you kill them as in shooting them your also killong yourself unless hypothecally you shot them anywhere but the brain


Dear Undeathincarnate,

It sounds to me like your body simply isn’t capable of holding the Energy you’re currently holding.

Go out of your body without going into a different person.

Manifest the Energy into an Astral Body,
and grow it until it fit’s the Energy current.

When it reaches bigger then Planetery, report back, as i might need to adjust the techniques in that case to fit your personal needs.

Also, this must have had some couse, which might help resolving the problem.

Try to bring that body to a dense level,
and see how that goes.

If you manifested it completely into existence,
Congratulations, you reached a new Level of Power.

If it becomes stable, but doesn’t incarnate completely,
Go back into your original body and keep that newly created one in control on a Serviator basis.

(Serviator Creation should be familiar to you, when you made your own body that unstable - if it isn’t there’s enough material here on balg to learn it in a couple of days.)




Hiya OP! Sometimes spirits get really excited at novel ideas, and there are a lot of ‘husks’ or NPCs, that is, lifeless patterns that are supposedly alive and people, in the world.

I once tried recording the sensation with someone, and while I could only manage to sense through them rather than move the form, they experienced a dream of projection that immediately ended when the trial was finished.

So if you like pushing people around, you also like pushing them out or in. I had loads of fun experimenting with that in high school! :slight_smile:


Qayos I think you should learn empathy… people have a right to their privacy and personal space.

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That’s true! Even the least sentient of humans has a right to their individuality. The question that follows is ‘says who?’

Does it lack empathy, to experience the continuum-forces of another? Most drones can’t even pick that much up.

What’s better than seeing through their eyes directly, when it comes to perspective?


These are people not drones, would you take out another car for s joy ride without the permission of the owner? The body is no different… you don’t own it they do, without their permission you are no better then a thief!

I admit if the host gives “willing” consent for you to enter then go ahead… but if not… tell me… would you have intercourse without someone whom is unable to give a response?… maybe they are in a coma and can’t feel it… would you still do it? How is this any different?


Nope! :slight_smile:

The difference between possession and intercourse is that in the latter, they feel things and it can hurt them. With possession, the degrees vary- the most intense it gets is a lapse in time and memory, but more often than not people don’t feel it when somebody else is reading their senses. When you get used to it, you can even use this kind of sense as a proximity alarm- the better you get, the more details you can get of unwanted visitors!

All humans are drones, including me, it’s just a matter of whether they’re inhabited or not. :slight_smile:

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Guys qayos isnt human

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…uh, well, I’m pretty sure I’m human? I have a body that looks like people, I just learned early I don’t have senses like people, if that makes sense?

Some human bodies are just ‘empty’ or so I’ve seen, and the longer I live the more ‘husks’ and types of husk I discover. That’s normal, right?


Yeah i used to be like that too and i mean your not human in the emotional sense


Well it is interesting to say the least.


…I can’t be the only one surrounded by zombies, r-right?

And what do ya mean, ‘used to be’, @UndeathIncarnate ? Is there a cure?


The cure is finding why you view people as husks for me the cure was finding the beuty in life cause i was an omnicidal maniac the reason for your perspective is some form of inner damage like mental damage etc

Eh that’s probably not the same as me then, if I had functional damage I would’ve noticed it by now! :slight_smile:

I’m not homicidal, though I suppose I am a maniac. Whose to say? :slight_smile:


ANSUZ can remove bindings and negative programming… just vibrate it into the flesh and your soul will mirror it… unless you like it this way… but be careful whom you possess… Because if it’s me… you won’t get out alive… that being said actions have consequences… and that action is going to have that consequence when you get to game and bite off more then you can chew.


but it sounds hot :crying_cat_face:

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~every few decades a new host?

Or imagine it: you drove down the street with 170 mph,
crashed into a bunch of children, which fortunately slowed you down so you could survive that incident as a crippled mess -then you see a hot nurse coming into your room, and you do your yithian thing to take her place :stuck_out_tongue:

Not that broken mess you were, but now fresh, healthy and delicious :smile_cat: