I broke a vow please help!

A year ago I started to practice magic using the book Modern Magic of Donald Michael Kreig. I took the vow he teach in his book I’m now I just realize that I broke it. What can I do?

I heard of this occurring before actually. I believe Jason Miller said he apologized and appeased the entities/forces.
So buy expensive wines, incense, foods etc.
It would also be a good idea to break your pact and discard the vow altogether, unless you’d like to vigilantly watch your vices the rest of your life.

[quote=“Euoi, post:2, topic:3258”]I heard of this occurring before actually. I believe Jason Miller said he apologized and appeased the entities/forces.
So buy expensive wines, incense, foods etc.
It would also be a good idea to break your pact and discard the vow altogether, unless you’d like to vigilantly watch your vices the rest of your life.[/quote]

I now I can make an offering, I got the book of Jason Miller, but how to break the pact? He dose not explains the offering but not how to brake the pact. Can you help me?

My email: [email protected]

Just perform the ritual in reverse. Explicitly state your intentions. That’s really all there is to it. And no,I won’t write the ritual in reverse for you. Do it yourself.

I didn’t knew I could do the reverse ritual. With this info you have already helped me a lot. Thank you :slight_smile:

No problem, hope it all works out!