I am so excited to announce: My podcast episode with EA Koetting

Hello everyone, I am beyond excited to launch my podcast with a special sit down and chat with Author, Occultist and Co-founder of this Forum E.A. Koetting. It was such an honor to sit how and have an unscripted and candid conversation with my first Left Hand Path mentors. We spoke on so many things including Azazel, who was the one that lead me to this Forum and the Become a Living God community. Please sit back relax and enjoy this episode! :slight_smile:


Apple Podcast:

Amazon Music:

If your podcasting platform of choice isn’t listed here, please reach out and I can give you a link to the other services.

Edited to add the proper Spotify link.



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Thank you so much. If you get a chance to listen to it please let me know what you think. This was after all my first time doing a podcast!


I can’t wait to listen!

Except that I have to wait. Until tomorrow, when I will have time to devote to it. :grin:


I am so excited that you are going to make time for it! Please let me know what you think of it :grin:


Thanks AngelB that was very interesting an informative. I look forward to hearing your future ones.

Subscribing now

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Amazing podcast!
Listened to it whole while writing👍

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Very interesting topics that you covered! Dope podcast

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Awww thank you so much your support means the world to me!

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Thank you! What did you think about it?

Thank you. I really enjoyed it. Since it was unscripted we didn’t at all plan it. So, for me it made for an easily flowing conversation.


Bookmarked to watch when I have more time

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Let me know what you think once you watch it :slight_smile:

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This was great. The conversation had such a wonderful natural flow!

Thank you for posting, it was insightful for me. I’m glad to have listened to someone talk about their experiences with Azazel, because I would like to work with him sometime in the future. When I first began practicing and when I found E.A’s channel, I had a dream in which he, one other person and I were having a ritual in which we summoned Azazel, so that part where he said his mission was to open gates for people was particularly interesting to me :slight_smile:

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Azazel had me do a 180 in my life and path and it was all for the best. I believe everything happens for a reason and we are all in this forum for a reason.

I am so glad you enjoyed the podcast if you have any questions or need any advice when you are ready I work with Azazel feel free with reach out.


I have actually been thinking on this lately quite a bit. The group project on the book of azazel earlier this year ended up (with one thing and another) not happening for me. But last couple of weeks ive been feeling like revisiting that

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Did you see it’s reopened? Go check it out!

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congrats @Angelb1083 … you can feel proud about what you have achieved … god bless you

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Very interesting conversation. I will be looking forward to your next podcast! :heart:

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Everyone…listen to it!!