I am not having dreams about anything

I dont see dreams when i sleep its not that i dont remember i just dont see
is there a magical healing processes to fix it?
the reason that i might have it.its because of depression and negativeness i red on it.but now i am killing my negativeness with lucifer.idk by completely free my self i might dream again…
but i would like to see results from now or nearly in the future.a dream would be better than a black screen on my sleep

Silena capensis. :+1:
Search in Google

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Heeyyy i could find a lot of them here in my place thank you!:+1:

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Start keeping a dream journal even if you dont remember anything write that down it’ll train your mind to pay more attention to that time frame. I have days where i don’t remember anything like my brain just clicks off when i sleep others i get snippets and others who scenes and such. I’ve been slacking a bit lately :skull: but the more i keep up with it the more i remember.

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Open a sigil and put it under your pillow they’ll be sure to start coming


In the Book of Secrets by Osho, there is a technique of visualizing Gold Light from the top of your head, going to your heart. This is done just before falling asleep. It opened my subconscious just before falling asleep. I saw various things, like a house, mountain, people, etc.
The idea of this technique is that you become aware in dreams and gain control of the. I have not got that far.
WARNING: I have woke up gasping for air at times, as too much energy stuck in the chest can make it difficult to breathe. Not big deal so far. Just so you know.


G-breath probably i also never have dreams but i dont care i dont want to

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added to the to do list!thanks!

thanks!! to this powerful technique .by just reading it i sense the results…

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eat a good plate of food before you sleep,late night…you will dream until the morning,i do this sometimes and even if i awake and go back to sleep,i will dream again and again

do not eat something heavy,just rice and something to mix,but eat well a good amount,do this and see if it works to you

it always works to me,even not liking to eat late night

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thank you!gonna try and tell you…

I will share a technique I use, it helped me to be a dream master!
Say phrase 50 to 100 times before you go to sleep.
For instance

Ex . I will dream of my greatest gifts hidden!
100 tries this helps to develope your inner communication and tricks your mind to awareness. I have had over 10 dreams in one night when I dream. If you have problems remembering say this

I will remember all my dreams

Good luck

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What sigil would you suggest? Or could it be any?

Start beginner like let’s say Lucifer or if there is one that calls to you (or even one who’s domain is let’s say the moon)

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