I am getting Old and Rusted! What to do?

Good point brother, Will take that into consideration.

Thanks for reminding this simple face , which for some reason I forgot! :+1:

My vote is youā€™re detaching too much, and a quick step into the Science of Mind concepts will perk you back up. :+1:

It;s all thatā€™s useful on the RHP and the added bonus of tidying this world up a bit with that same power of I AM THAT.

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Becoming slower and less effective isnā€™t a sign of enlightment, only stagnation.

your best bet is to introduce new life into your magic, add new things in.

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Have U read the book ā€™ I AM THATā€™ , itā€™s a classic and one of my favorite. Even Sam Harrisā€™s Recommended list has it.

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Ouh, that hurt. :confounded:

It only hurts if you let yourself go on with it. Humans are creatures of habit. Break that, be more than flesh.

If you want to feel enthusiasm, vitality, vibrance, happiness, life, and strength, I would advise you look no farther than up, into the sky. The Sun, in its purest and clearest ways, will likely elevate you to new heights.

After all, the Sunā€™s most famous avatar is one of the most famous magicians in history.


Believe me, some habits are just too Much ingrained into oneā€™s being. Almost impossible to break.

And who will that be? :confused:

You ducked my post but fair enough, you do you. I did all that meta-suicide stuff and walked away happy though, with a pocket full of miracles and a head full of fun projects, so, maybe you want to pay attention in terms of how to make it work for you, even if you despise me? :wink: :kiss:

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Youā€™re free to depict me as one of those pointless New Agey motivational speakers for saying something like this, but the same holds true for establishing new behaviors and habits. A lot of things are hard to do, but impossible acts of will do happen.

Defining yourself by what you do, or how you act, or worse yet your habits, is severely limiting, if they donā€™t make you. If you were not in this century, on this planet, in this life, you may or may not have had those behaviors or others.

Affirmations only work when they are set in a blank slate, as a form of self-brainwashing. If you donā€™t claim power over yourself, someone or something else most definitely will.

Feel it out. Pretty sure you can figure it out.

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This is actually one of the purposes of mantra when use correctly and constructed from you astrlogoical chart. It acts like reformat program so you can deconstruct habitual patterns and then shift the patterns.


You know I am not clair clairvoyance . Show some mercy, Mhysa

Will surely appreciate it.

Thatā€™s cuz U never respond to my offerings, Even Goetic Demons arenā€™t so heartlesss!!!

I recently hit 31 years, and i can tell- I donā€™t regret. I work for my own, can do what i want (in reasonable limits) went to technical study. I had more nerves in my youth than now.

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By the way , Just attaining a state of permanent ā€˜FLOATā€™ and effortlessness isnā€™t the end of my plan. It is just the beginning . I have full road map of becoming a living god (demi god), not as some cheap marketing slogan crap.

Donā€™t know why U always pick on RHP and its practitioners. :angry:

@Goku The first post sounds a lot like Hashimotoā€™s Thyroiditis. I also suffer from this shxt


I am over 60 years old. Still hit the gym for workouts with heavy weights and work full time as a hospital RN.
ā€”sometimes it can take some tinkering for any of us to find the right balance between active pursuits and rest, relaxation, meditation. I know that even when I was in my 20s there were times when I might have felt old and tired. Usually some extra rest could recharge the batteries. Paradoxically, sometimes a vigorous workout can recharge a person, get the endorphins flowing.


Might sound very lame but I think you could benefit from yoga. There are poses that aid in rejuvenation.

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