Hypnotisation sigil to manipulate people who look at it?

Hello peops,
So I was just wondering about something, see we have different types of magick for different types of things. But I’m curious, is it possible to make a sigil to hypnotize or manipulate somebody that sees it? For example, maybe this sigil is a companies logo, whoever sees this logo would be hypnotized and would be interested in the company. Has anyone done this? How is this done?

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I don’t know sigil. But I know of talismana that does stuff like that. It does more harm than good, that’s I don’t talk about it, nor give it out.

But your wonderings if such thing is possible, yes it is. But it isn’t as simple as words described it.


I believe this kind of power is everywhere, just look at the way humans hold so much value in brands and their logos and can develope a desperate need to have them in their lives. It is sigil magic used by business in order to enthral humans in to buying/investing in their products/services. Whether businesses are aware of what they are doing or whether it is dumb luck is another question… but what we do know is that it definitely works!

Meditate on on the subject matter and see what your intuition tells you my friend.

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Why so?

Ooooo. That is interesting.


Sure! I’ll help you.

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Can you also help me lol