Hunger and Fatigue when meditating

Normal Meditation

Trance stuff/ Moving my conciousness to a place crested by my mind

And i read a post about a member on this forum (maybe you or someone else) who went to his backyard and did necromancy with his dead pets and charged himself with death energy and i researched on it and now i am also practising it.


That might be the reason for your tiredness and hunger, then. “Normal” meditation does not do that.


I don’t get headaches but I typically get hungry afterwards if I did not eat beforehand as well.

I get tired as well.
So far my idea on why I get tired after Meditation is that it’s a mental/spiritual work out so to speak. We aren’t used to using our minds in the way that we do when meditating, and I’ve seen people talk about how we “glow” in the astral during meditation.

I’ve also noticed that the longer Ivr been doing this daily and the longer I’ve been able to hold the Meditations I get much less tired. So I’ve concluded that it’s like muscle building and endurance but on a mental and spiritual level.

If you’re experiences line up with mine, then it should get better with time.


Is there any way to stop it?

Thanks. Maybe i will get better with time.

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Just found out it was @anon47923162 who charged himself with death energy.

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Your definitely not the only one it also happens to me in fact last night it did. I believe it has to do with the energy that you are putting out and you feel tired/drained afterwards.


It is important to remember I shielded certain vital organs and took steps to regenerate myself after meditations to acclimate to the death energy. Long term exposure without shielding yourself or working on regenerating after can lead to some pretty nasty problems so just remember to use protection and take a rest if you need to do so when dealing with death energy.


Okay thanks.

Okay thanks. I will keep that in mind.

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I was like you at the first will pass and you will get used to it.

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okay thanks

Meditation is listening to Breath exclusively. Anything else is not meditation, are techniques.

There are different ways to meditate. You could meditate on a past event or on drawing a particular energy to yourself… and so on.

Anytime I incorporate energy work into my meditation, hunger always sets in

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Regardie advised to eat something before meditation; this will either prove useless, or fulfill an actual need. Better avoid that before breathing exercises and, about tiredness, it may also be due to a shift in consciousness.

Same here

Okay thanks.

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Root chakra is painful when the fluids open the unknown.

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I think i feel the fatigue around my entire body and pain in my crown chakra