Humanity Totem

Humans are animals, animals have totemic archetypes. One of the ways that people try to shapeshift, either spiritually or otherwise, is by adopting the traits and instincts of the archetypal totem of the animal.

So, shouldn’t there be human form totems, and shouldn’t it be spiritually beneficial to invoke or otherwise emulate them? Or maybe I’m just talking about something that already exists by another name.


EAK had a video talking about the experience of invoking yourself. Or was it evoking?

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Animal totems power rely on the wisdom animals have under their instinctive nature, wich runs freely in them, humans have some mechanism (call it reason if you like) to dismiss the instinct, so if you work on a human totem you might not get the true wisdom of the instinct you would wet the wall preventing you to get there, unless you work with your higher self but that’s another thing.

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Great question. Perhaps that is another way of looking at boddhisatvas.

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The human totem is just what people encounter when they say they’ve seen god.

The ultimate embodiment of all humanity, the “perfect human”.


I believe the term you are looking for is:

No not the ones related to you by blood that have died, But the Primitive forms and consciousness of Human species known and unknown.

In other words…


Homo Sapien


The principle is:
These “evolutions” are seperate consciousnesses that existed before us and thus have different knowledge and Power just like Animals. With this you gain access to different spirits as well, all primal in nature.

Study Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Look into Human Taxonomy. Do divination to determine their characteristics and Go into that Ancestral Memory.

After that, Contact one of the Ancestors, get it’s name and sigil. Invoke him/her into you. Experience what its like to really live as a Human. :smiling_imp:

And no the interaction between you and him will not be the same just cause y’all are humans.

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Also, about this.

You will not perceive common bodily sensations and Thoughts the same way you would if you didn’t invoke a Ancestor.

If you feel pain, instead of it being a response of your body…
You will see it and feel it as a separate energy that touches you (existing independently of your mind) that sends shockwaves of power through your body. Thus manifesting as “pain”.

Get the picture?

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Try Voodoo Puppets for example.
Those are Human Totems.

But also Statues count. :wink:

And the normal Pegan Pentagram (one tip up, 2 down)

You’ve probably used them more then you even know.^^




Hiya OP! A little turd told me that this is what the Lwa of Voodoo are, but a slightly larger turd could swear you were referring to archetypes.

Did ya know ‘person’ means ‘mask’?

That is a coinsidense, I was just going to work with my ancestors in my near future. Thanks for the perpective.

Agreed on this point. This is what Castaneda terms, the “Mold of Man”, which very little has too much direct practical application, but may provide some insight into mankind if you feel like looking into that madness.