Human Becoming Gods

Some cultures believe that after death some human beings became gods, others made them saints through canonization, the soul of these people then became worshiped while they began to perform miracles in those who invoked their names, which makes me to think: what effects falls upon a person who, after death, is continually invoked in prayers and prayers, with offerings of candles and promises? We know that faith is something powerful, so, the faith of thousands of people around the world in a person who has already died, can in a way make it a kind of “god”? With all this energy of devotion channeled into this disembodied spirit, can he become powerful enough to break the rules of life-death-re-enactment, and become a deity?


It would depend on your definition of god. Many believe all gods, demons and spirits are just created through will and intention of those who worship or believe in the them, bringing about the characteristics of whatever emotion or intention they push into it.

If this is true, would it actually be the true spirit of the deceased person, or just an egregore which embodies the attributes and values we believed the deceased person to have had?

Then again, there are those who believe that the gods, demons and spirits truly are actual real entities to have existed before man believed in them.

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Aliester crowley

From what I understand certain Loa in the Vodoun tradition are believed to have been human once, like Mambo Maronet and Ti Jean Petro.

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Most people from the dohemian culture who helped in the haiti revolution became revered and accepted as LWA

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I don’t know if this statement is relevant but (depending on your belief) one would have to go through the purification process to get out of the reincarnation cycle in other words you’d have to live a thousand lifetimes and then (I’m guessing) process to Godhood. Referenced from

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Not sure Catholics would practice this if they believed their dead to come back in God form.

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Dohemian? But yeah, all the examples I know of came from the Haitian revolution and were adopted into the Petro family. Now I’m wondering if any of the Rada Loa were human once.

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I think one is naturally attracted to one’s own emotional feelings
Including to where you end up when you leave this plane.

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I think that a simpler approach is simply that some individuals have unlocked levels of consciousness that allow them to act as a god.

In Hinduism, there are six different ways that people can attain Samdhi, at least one of them (usually three or four) exist in the various religions of the world.

Slava Bogum