How would you take it if

you were scrying for a specific goetic entity with their sigil and another entinty shows up? as in you call for vassago but get barbatos instead?
and vassago shows up afterwards

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It would depend on my goals, if I had a very specific task I was performing then I would banish so I could keep things moving on track. Otherwise I would just see how things go. But even that isn’t hard and fast, my intuitive feelings would play a big role in my decision process.

I can only assume this happened to you, how did it go down?

i saw how things went. i had evoked the first entity that came a few days before so when i saw him again i knew exactly who it was. i reaffirmed what i called him for previously, sent him on his way again and the correct entity came shortly afterwards.

Interesting… is there a theory/explanation behind this?

Maybe you should evoke him again to see why he’s being persistent…