How to work with fire element?

Mine are water n air. Earth n fire elude me for now, not my strong suite so far.


High IQs for the win. I had the option to skip 7th Grade, but my mom vetoed that. When I was in Grade 6, my teacher suspected that I was gifted and she had me do an IQ test, I got 160.

What about you?


Candles are probably the most direct way to work with fire. I absolutely love feeling the fire come alive. There are a lot of possibilities with a small candle; visualization work especially.

If for some reason you can’t use a candle, your own body is very much fire in life essence. We all inhibit a blackened flame within our astral gut. I use this flame often when I’m in pain; you can visualize burning the pain away.

Inner and external flame are powerful; the highest hurdle is learning how to respect flame and guide it calmly. Humans naturally fear fire. But if we overcome the fear, we see destruction can be just as useful as creation; without Shiva, Brahma (not the universal Brahman, but the creation god Brahma) would not have room to flourish.


Dont burn your finger when lighting candles or incense goddamn always happens to me when i light a pipe thats why i stick with joints off subject sorry…