How to tell if Spirits like you

How to tell for sure a Spirit / God / Goddess / Daemon likes you and wants to work with you.
General for all no specifics from me just thought this’d benefits someone (s)


Ask the deity that your working with for a sign of his accedance regarding your ritual requests if a deity wants to work with you he will let you know.


Yes true snd if you are unable to sense the entity’s presence place their sigil in your bedroom and ask for a dream


I agree with @lawclerk! Also, you’ll see some acts of kindness or help, even without asking. Most of the time, if a spirit likes you and wants to work with you, he lets you know.


Yes or play with your hair


You may even see synchronicity all over u tube see their name & how to contact them until you get the hint :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Have you had a deity play with your hair, what were the circumstances?


Or you could ask the deity directly at the completion of your ritual, be specific in your request for a sign, that way you will know for sure if you have been heard.


I recently had this with KP I believe. Got me a great job but had a really bad feeling my foreman thought poorly of me and I asked telepathically if he would restore any “ honors” I guess you could say.

Low and behold today I got to work a lot of hours and my foreman who I swear called me a useless idiot the other week spoke so highly of me to our super intendant that he complimented my hard work so far and let me work too many hours for a temp when I was gonna get sent home because it was slow.

We have 2 yard guys at the shop and it’s rare anyone else works the yard because of how tight the company is for money.

he didn’t want anything in return afaik. He thought of it as a small cherry on top kinda.

I know you work with him , ever had the same thing happen to you ?

Oh and to the op : who cares. As long as they accept my petition and get results I could care less what they think of me. Not that having a closer relationship isn’t a good thing.


I actually had many stuff like that going on, especially since getting into magic some years ago. I’m glad it works out for you. :slight_smile:

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The easiest way is they keep popping up in your life, or thoughts of them will make you smile. Sometimes they will visit your dreams or implant their symbolism into your life. They might also start to seed your life with answers to your questions. I frequently think of something I want to ask and the answer will physically show up through synchronicity in a small window once I’ve forgotten about it.


Yes. Lighting a candle

Wow that’s great. No i have a petition but i didn’t put a date i just said it was urgent.
Im starting volunteering at an opt shop soon (well i applied n they have to check me) ad im.on a disability for misdiagnosed depression for Trauma) off topic sorta. So i asked help for money and i think King Paimon gav the idea of selling books wotked great in holiday season it paid for foods my daughter 15th. But stopped selling so i petitioned him however I did not put a time period.
Yesterday had no money for lung specialist cause the asthm is not managed adequately it was a priv hospital and i am from Darwin Northern Territory ( its all public),
Perth Western Australia i still get lost. (:laughing:).
Well i had put a hav enn chants download on my phone. I had Belial sigil in my handbag i closed my eye mental request
I didn’t have to pay for anythin the consultation the spirometry the x ray n bloods --they took a lot of blood… shoulda asked for a sample hehe.
Bleesedly ut was all bulk billed.

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Can you share?

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Share what exactly?

Some of your many experiences

Well, there are too many to list and certainly too many to remember all XD. But I can tell you about one of them that I clearly remember.

Once I had a really big arguement with a formel best friend of mine. What happened is we stopped talking and I heard that he kinda spread some bad rumors about me. I called King Paimon to ask for advice and he actually told me some stuff I could do to make the situation better. However, he told me he’d handle this.

A month later, I heard from a mutual friend of ours, that the guy’s house got flooded, his parents got divorced, the banks are after them for huge depts and some other bad things going on (like him failing at the university, etc.). So, I was certain that day, that I was under King Paimon’s protection.

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I have some other ones I could share as well, but this one is really great indeed! XD

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Wow id say that’s an impact blessed were you by King Paimon. Praises king Paimon


I asked my guardian spirits to talk to my friend. The next day he called complaining about a robotic voice. Ive asked for dreams, they were nightmarish but always a revelation at the end. Like a wolf showing up and guiding me to safety.
Also they will guide you to learn of themselves before guiding you to learn of others.