How to setup a room for magick

Hi All,

Was wondering if someone had a whole room like I do, how would you set it up?

Placement of the altar, sigils on walls?

I am looking for ideas.



I have a room dedicated to my earthly temple which only has offering s to the entities i work with. I dont use sigils on the walls because the entities mark the room with their own symbols and leave a lot of residual energy which will acumulate over time.Usually when im in that temple i usually transport myself to my astral temple which is very breautiful and powerful.

Hi All,

Was wondering if someone had a whole room like I do, how would you set it up?

Placement of the altar, sigils on walls?

When I had that, I had my altar to the north (with a cabinet to the east where I kept stuff, which had a flat top also suitable as a secondary altar) and then large plain cork pinboards on the walls, painted to match the wall colour, so I could pin sigils, symbols, whatever else on them whenever I wanted.

I also had a small money altar in the direction indicated by black hat feng-shui (based on the position of the main door) as my wealth corner, and a seperate flat space for baneful workings.

I haven’t had much noticeable effect using traditional feng shui (which gives you four favourable directions, and four negative, e.g., north, south-west, and so on based on your date of birth) but you might want to double check that your main altar placement isn’t in an unfavourable direction, just in case - calculate your Kua number & how to find your most favourable directions.

Ideas I toyed with included having a small ancestral altar, dedicated plants to consume any negative energies, and maybe a symbol of some kind permanently painted on the floor, but they never got off the ground - just mentioning them as possibilities.

The most useful thing was having a sturdy attractive brass pot, like the kind you buy from street markets, for spent matches, incense, ashes and other waste; making sure there was plenty of storage space for candles, printouts of stuff from my computer, craft tools used only for magickal work, and all the other practical bits and bobs you acquire; and finding an attractive beanbag so I could chill out in there afterwards with a book or whatever.

In a different location I once had a room painted entirely matt black, with very dark grey carpet tiles on the floor, and that room just zinged with energy because it was so obviously not “about” the decor or just being a normal space, and although I couldn’t live with it again now (it was doubling up as my bedroom!), it was a very focused and kind of mesmeric colour scheme, I felt my mental state change just walking into it.

No idea if anything there’s helpful. :slight_smile:

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In a different location I once had a room painted entirely matt black, with very dark grey carpet tiles on the floor, and that room just zinged with energy because it was so obviously not "about" the decor or just being a normal space, and although I couldn't live with it again now (it was doubling up as my bedroom!), it was a very focused and kind of mesmeric colour scheme, I felt my mental state change just walking into it.

I would like to try that.

When I arrange a room at nights, for magickal purpose, it change so much that my mental state also changes suddenly. I can imagine how good would bt to have a room specially for that.

I have a room for my temple, a large shed building, and I keep it pretty simple: a permanent circle, a cabinet to store ritual tools and items, and a small handful of shrines/altars dedicated to various entities.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

I have a semi permanent circle on the floor with glued down pebbles (I keep kicking them loose). Can I use this circle for my practice? I can’t buy his magic circle.



I have a semi permanent circle on the floor with glued down pebbles (I keep kicking them loose). Can I use this circle for my practice? I can’t buy his magic circle.



For most of my workings my circle is just made out of wooden oak blocks that I leave in place. For some rituals or meditations I’ll use a demonic circle of pacts, but most of the time it’s just the wood and then I’ll cast an energetic circle over them each time. Slowly finding chunks of granite to replace the wood with, and just use the wood as a portable circle for working in the forest outdoors.

I have an empty room I use as a temple. I have my Universal Circle in the middle of the floor, with candles at the cardinal points. I have my incense bowl set in the south, but the rest of my tools are kept in the closet until I have use for them. The walls are bare, but I am thinking of hanging up some black cloth with the gateways from The Book of Azazel on them.

When I had one I used an empty room, stripped of everything else and I did not use it for anything other than ritual/magickal work. I did not keep any decor, furniture, pictures, or anything else there physically. I would bring out and set up an altar in the center of the room, which I kept in a closet in that room between operations. I’d also bring my ritual tools out from a locked chest I kept them in, candles, daggers, chalice, incense, etc. Afterwards I put everything away. I was using the emptiness of the room/temple as a symbol of infinite possibilities, and my actions in it symbolized my creation(s) and bringing forth of those possibilities that I wanted.

My bedroom is my temple. Altars everywhere.
If you’re lucky to have a whole room, you should decorate according to the tradition. There is no one size sits all.

As for the walls I have a painted inverted pentagram on a black backround hung on the southern wall,and after I retired my Circle of Pacts I hung it in the east.My altar gets moved around a lot depending on the working at hand.In the north I have inscribed in chalk the first gateway from the Book of Azazel.I have a nightstand with a cabinet that I store my ritual implements in,and finally I have my UC smack dab in the center of the room!

Why did you retire the Circle of Pacts? There is a lot that can be done with that. It acts as a funnel for demonic energy. Yes, the Universal Circle can be used to work with demons, but the Circle of Pacts is highly specialized for this.

Well I wamted to hang it up so I could try using it as a gateway by opening it. to summon those demonic energies from the symbol alone.So far no major results yet.

Plus the paint is starting to chip and it looks like shit.
Does that matter when it comes to using it for evocation?

Lines being lop sided and the circle itself not being perfect?

As for actual physical set up, there are no wrong answers, whatever floats your boat.

As for the room it’s self, it’s important to use that room only] for magical purposes. The reason being you don’t want to contaminate your magical work with every day distractions. If you use your bedroom for anything other than sleeping, it can cause trouble sleeping.

To that end, you may have already been using that room for something else. so you might want to try a banishing or cleansing to try and wash away any previous associations or attachments.

After the cleanse, then a ritual dedication to help cement the area’s new purpose.

From my own xp I disagree about that statement. I’ve got a powerful Lwa altar in my bedroom and have zero sleeping disorders

Making your room dedicated to sleep is usually one of the first things recommended to those having trouble sleeping.

I’m just saying the same principle should be applied when dedicating a room for magic, and the same benefits could be expected. Quick and easy transition into certain mental states.

But do you seriously mean to tell me this powerful altar in your room has never influenced your dreams? Maybe you don’t have sleep trouble, but I don’t believe for an instant you haven’t had any cross contamination.

^ I agree with the room dedicated for magic. I have a room that serves as my temple and nothing else. Everything in that room only serves the purpose of furthering my magic. Even the bookshelf in that room has a magic ordinated purpose (even if it is just to hold my spell books off the ground). I can’t help but shed my mundane life when I walk into that room.

Coincidently that is the room in which most of the poltergeist activity happens.

No, in my xp having that altar in my bedroom doesnt create anything negative or disturbing.

I have three altars in my bedroom now, and it has barely space now, with the bed there. I still need to perform main rituals in the living room while people is asleep, but damn I hate when people go to the bathroom at night and catch me with the candles in the middle of the night.