How to restore youthful look

As some of you probably know I work vampirism to restore my youth. However, I look at what else I can do to restore my youthful look. I’m a 33 years old guy. I hit the gym daily and my shoulders and muscles have become bigger but my I have become ball at the top of my head meaning the hair is only growing at the side. What else magick work can I do to restore to my 20 years looks? What can I do to make my hair grow at the top? It was especially something I thought about now since we are in the waxing moon.
Also when it comes to women. Can fertility magick restore their youthful look? I read a documentary about how the decrease of fertility may be the key behind aging. It make sense to me because women’s look often decrease in the 30s which is the same period where their fertility is decreased.


Look into Neville Goddard and the Law of Assumption. Many people have reported being able to accomplish “youthing” through applying it.


Also diet
Diet diet diet
You are what you eat and believe it or not limiting the red meats and increasing those nasty green leafy vegetables do wonders.

Every 90 days all of your cells have completely regenerated as a new cell which basically means your in a totally different human suit.

And guess what they remake themselves from lol
Your food.

As for vampirism, siphon the younger crowd because the same applies.


you said it there, sexual energy, fertility, life force energy…

Get that working for you, the lack of it is why women get wrinkles and it is why men get bald.

Water retention, collagen, plays a big role. Dry womb in women equals dry face, so the juice of life needs to stay going strong in the widest sense of the word. Teenagers usually have a life force energy, curiosity, drive to do things, to look nice and to flirt although I have to say it seems that teenagers these days are not looking that fit and great anymore. I see old faces with young date of births… People born in the 80’s seem to look better longer, so you got that advantage, no clue why though, just an observation I have from looking around me at the 90s crowd.
Flirt with beautiful people of the sex you are attracted to, casually, take their energy for yours to keep. At this age, diet is key too. Everything without water in it, will take water from your body and thus youth… caffeine takes water from the body too, but also dry food like crackers etc, so drink up and add good fats to your diet and eat foods with water! Cucumbers, watermelon, oranges. For the leafy greens, easiest is chlorophyl.

Magick wise, I like to enchant my food and body creams, when applying it I think beautiful words about my skin and looks, while stirring my chlorophyll I thank it for making me have silky soft skin. You could apply castor oil with olive oil on your scalp and be inverted for 3 minutes so blood flow can move to your scalp, do this a few times a week before shower.
For skin you can put olive oil all over your body, you might fall in love with your self even when that skin reflects the sun like a mirror, which then in turn can be used for magick, too.

Aging is really a disease where we slowly dry up, the earth is our body and our hair the plant growing from it, so water your earth to stay as healthy and hydrated as possible


So after I have done my vampiric operation I then could open my sacral and root chakra, so the drained youthful energy flow through these and then make a spell feed by these energies to burn in the flame with the written purpose now during in the waxing moon.

Ya, this :point_up_2: I am 30, I “assume” I’m 22-25 (and by “assume” I mean LoA-style, occupying that state of mind and what it entails). I spent a few weeks working this assumption into my subconscious and during that time of active assumption –

  • I was asked for ID 9 out of 10 times I purchased alcohol (18 being the legal age for buying alcohol where I live),
  • I had someone express disbelief when I told them my real age, then come back to me the next day and ask me quite seriously if I was really 30 years old,
  • Had multiple other people (friends, loved ones, strangers) comment, apropos of nothing, that I look much younger than I am,
  • Had a stranger strike up a conversation with me on public transit and ask me “You’re, what, about 20 years old?”

I am not a scientist and can’t verify this at all, but I have heard/read anecdotally that increased testosterone can result in hair loss, on your scalp specifically. I’m not saying “stop working out” but I am saying you may want to counter that by, maybe, working with some “divine masculine” or masculine-focused (primarily Fire, secondarily Air) entities who may be able to help regulate this effect.

Regarding the latter half of this statement… correlation is not causation. Regarding the former, the effect of visible aging is due to shortened telomere length at a chromosomal level. Again, not a scientist, but you may want to investigate this further, and puzzle out some magical method of dealing with it.

I don’t necessarily disagree, but while I do try and intake at least 1L of water a day, the main liquids I consume are coffee and alcohol (wine, which is super high in sugar, although then again, I don’t drink soda/cola/pop/soft drink/whatever). And, this info mostly relates to the appearance of one’s skin. If we’re talking about that, from a mundane perspective, the best possible advice is to wear sunscreen every day, religiously. Also, to stop washing your face with chemicals/soaps/cleansers/etc. daily, reducing it to maybe once a week. I’ve gotten rid of exfoliators entirely, all I do is scrub my face vigorously with a wet flannel/face-washer, and use some chemical face cleansing wash crap once a week. Also, retinol/retinoids. Also, get rid of “moisturisers” and switch to facial oil, or even better, some kind of moisture barrier like paraffin wax/liquid paraffin.

Agree this could help from a mundane perspective. Also, scalp massage to stimulate blood flow.

…That’s all if you wanna micro-manage your glow up. I just rely on the Law :smiley:


Is it because you was able to maintain your look or was you able to restore it?

Is not that I have hair loss but rather that my hair do not grow in the top of the head. It’s genetic from my father’s side, so there must be a way to change that genetic.

So what can I do to restore a 31 years old woman to her looks when she was 23?

Can vouch for the born in the 80s thing… I’m 36 and got carded buying a beer today and when I told the woman I a almost 37, she looked like I said something shocking🤣. Made my day that did.


Its was meant for the topic of fertility, the skin is one aspect of it and goes hand in hand with one’s health/fertility, the organs all thrive better especially the womb from good water intake. Women who are less fertile and less wet have more wrinkles. Wetness helps in making one pregnant fast, I do not know the exact science of it but I remember it had to do with a certain protein in it, this wetness is related to one’s health and water intake again…

She needs to go back to the energy she had at that age and restore that as her current one.

Allow me to illustrate the occult significance of this answer.

“So what can I do to restore a 31 years old woman to her looks when she was 23?”

The number 31 is the number of Demon Foras, who is associated with bestowing longevity. Interestingly, I am posting this on the date, 3/10.


Is it possible to transfer some of the youthful energy I have drained to her?

I know nothing of reversing age but I know for as can stop aging.

I wrote a reply and managed to completely erase the draft somehow, so apologies if double-post (or if this reply shows up in some other unrelated thread, mods…)

Both; I have maintained by wearing sunscreen every day since I was 17/18, I restored via the Law. When I was focused on the Law side of things was when I actually noticed the outer world reflecting that belief back to me. Otherwise it was me simply acknowledging that I look “”“good for my age”“”.

Unsure what the difference is unless you mean your hair grows on the sides, but not on the top (not that you’re bald on top with a fringe of hair around your crown). Refer to previous post as it is still relevant.

Very different query to your OP… withholding any other commentary, I would say the best or perhaps only thing you could do is use the Law or cast a glamour on someone else’s behalf to achieve this.

OK, I accept that that is your belief – further input from me would not be relevant to this topic :stuck_out_tongue:

Again, I don’t have the scientific knowledge to dispute this, but I repeat that correlation != causation. Humans gain wrinkles as they age due to telomere atrophy. Age, including telomere atrophy, indicate a decline and then loss in fertility. I could concede* that elemental Water is relevant to womens’ fertility, but not that water is a significant factor in determining fertility overall. Again though, this is going off topic. Of course feel free to reply to this point but I am going to personally put a full stop in me discussing it further in this thread. :slight_smile: :+1:

Some of the excess testosterone gets converted to DHT, which has the effect of shrinking/shriveling the hair follicles up top.

It however, activates a lot of the facial hair follicles.

The trick is to reduce or prevent before it screws up the follicles.

Genetics do heavily play into this.

Honestly, rogaine is probably the best bet.

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Yep. I first heard this from my good friend who is bald but has an impressive beard. Checks out. :laughing:

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My hair grow at the top but very little unlike the sides. I don’t know the correct english word for it.

Keep the vampires away.

the middle pillar ritual
and qigong (particularly the first exercise of the 8 brocades) work well for this purpose

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Eat Jello (for the hair)

And make sure you aren’t lacking in a particular vitamin or mineral.

Thinking of hyaluronic acid maybe?