How to go about an evocation with Lucifer?

I’m fairly new to magic I know some things and I’ve did an evocation before but I don’t think I went about it the right way and i want to do another one and I was wondering if someone could provide me with some information that will allow the evocation to run smoother and get the best results


If you are new just talk and KNOW they came, if you dont you’ll end up wasting your tie, I heard incenses helps for manifesting their appearance but I havent used it, I usually just visualize them with my 3rd eye and talk to them to the best of my ability.

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Well be inventive. Have a look at evocation + ea koeting on youtube.
Or use the search button on this forum.

Be free to have a look here for more step by step rituals in evocation:

But @Titan.M, you must train your third eye and meditation first.
Look at clairaudience/Clairvoyance. I have some vids in the same thread that will get you started.


@Aquim_Vazquez Your question has already been answered here: BALG Forum FAQ By Members, For New & Old Members

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