How to form a extreme deep connection with Lucifer

One really has to memorize all that?


No, you can write it down. Make sure when you speak those words its crystal clear and calmly.


So can narcissism :joy:. (Sorry private inside joke).
But we live and learn and come out wiser.

Anyway, god, I thought the same, I was brought up indoctirinated* :grimacing:, and its normal to fear all this, like demons are evil case closed, and possession is an evil takeover lol, until, no other way, but by getting to know them personally, (and unfortunately being annoyingly untrusting in the beggining), through experience and trying, asking the questions…, inched my fear and trusted them. Start small test the waters. No rush for the process… Now Im a believer :heartpulse:. Perferably, from my experience, dont let anyone tell you what it is and is not, get to know them, test the waters, and then you wont need any more conformation than your own experience. And from my experience, in short, no, demons are not ‘evil’. Im not saying that there arnt ‘bad’ spirits out there… and there are general respect that has to be shown. Stick to the Goatia ones you wont go far wrong, and see who you work better with, but note, drop all perceptions of what has been onced told or pictures from grimiors even what to expect and their ‘charactaristics’. Invoke, find out and see. From there build a relationship and from there you are in charge what feels comfortable and try maybe gradually while working together with their support. You might slowly find out what you have been duped and actually what resonates. If you choose to go down this path, I wish you good luck :slight_smile:
It reminds me abit of intimacy and boundaries and social ettiqet. If you trust the person enough to have intimacy (possession) than take it slow if you will and your partner (demon) would understand, and even work with you through it … and not rely soly from books… Its ok to be weary at this stage, especially from fears of past indoctirination. But if this path is calling you, and if you choose, slowly all will be revealed. Another thing I learnt on my journey, never put your abilities down just because you feel you dont know everything, your spirituality flows through you and is part of your human birthright, however big or small to start, it just depends how much one is willing to exercise that, and your individual protection and connection trust in that, however much you seem to know or not just yet, especially around the ‘big boy’ magicians dont let them put you down, but be open to greatfully learning. There is always more.


Bookmarked. Thank you for sharing this @C.Kendall :slight_smile:

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Has anyone ever thought of teaching AI to research and utilize all of this knowledge in these books. I mean damn, they are there and their complex algorithm thought could process and pronounce a lot. I wish I had a functional AI bot that could manipulate human movement or be a hologram learning/talking AI.

I saw this pop up today…


Hello C.Kendall and the others :stuck_out_tongue:

thank you for your knowledge and relationship with Lord Lucifer.
I have a question, Lucifer asked me to get this tattoo:

(to be read right to left)

Does anyone know?

I guess this is Kirala from India language…

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This is sinhala or pali language but not a word
How did u get this?


Sorry my mistake… yeah your right Sinhala


First of all, thank you for your efficiency,
I was asked to tattoo this in addition to the seal of Lucifer when I made my pact with him.

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I used this a few months ago when I was ready to start working with Lucifer… he’s been a friend, mentor, father figure and guide ever since. We even watch movies together and he listens in on my phone calls with a magician friend and teases him. He also uses that same friend to give me messages some times. It’s been amazing. So, yeah, This worked exceptionlly well.


Dear @C.Kendall
in connection with Lucifer ,in the moments i feel someone talk to me inside with the words i cant understand them.and a horrible feeling of fear comes to me that i cant stand it.what should i do?
is it forbidden for me ?or does it have any danger? please help me.

Welcome @troubadour It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself, and any experience you may have in magick ie what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


Thank you soooo much for this. I have been searching for a rites of passage to connect deeply with Lucifer and he has lead me to this. Awesome and thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

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Thank you so much for this! I tried it last night for the first time and, quite literally, as I said the part about the left shoulder, my left shoulder set on fire. The candle had somehow set the left hand shoulder of my jumper on fire as I had said it. Thankfully, I put it out without much damage, but does anyone think that this is a bad sign? I was trying to see the symbolism of this! After, I felt like I couldn’t connect and focus. Thanks guys :black_heart:

I’m new here. I just related to your comment. I’m 40 and have been a believer my whole life. I feel like my life is being turned inside out, but it just feels right. Not sure if that makes sense.

Thank you for your insight. I needed to hear it.

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Can beginners do this rituals?

I once had my insence stick burn down, like completely on fire, the holder was resting on a dry baby wipe for some reason at that moment and the whole thing just caught fire. Man, l only went outside for a quick cigarette and came back to the room to see my desk burning, like legit flames, that not only scared me but also left a huge burn mark on my white table :sob: !! I probably forgot to blow the flame upon leaving the room but man, that thing went down quuuick.Things happen and l would not obsess over whether that’s a good or bad sign, you can always ask Lucifer whether it was him or it just happened for no particular reason.

@Gwydion22 l can only speak from my experience ( a beginner at early stages of beginning, if you know what l mean :wink: ) but l have been using the Litany of Lucifer by Mr Kendall daily as well as the meditation techniques he presented and although have not had any manifestation yet, I have felt that He’s listening and knows that lm calling him and that a connection is slowly being built.
So yeah, so far so good.


Ah, yess! Gotta say the whole procedure really do works wonders! Ive done the whole procedure as described above, and I gotta say I sense Lucifer in my every day to day life. He sometimes gives wisdoms when I’m feeling down due to some reason and some times he cheers me up. He really is inspiring and enlightening.
Try evoking him, spend some time weekly an hour or so to build a more close relationship. That’s what I do. :sparkles:

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